Chapter 46

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Alex POV

I heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in,"

My secretary walked in and closed the door behind her. "Mr Cater there is a Mr. Luke Mason here to see you. He is not on the schedule for today but he insists that he needs to see you. That's it's very important."

I rubbed my temples, I wasn't in the mood to be distracted. "Okay," I said. What was so important? I might take a break, that something which I haven't done in a while. Neither have I shaved. Every since my parents told me about Kalliyah, I've being working none stop. It was a good distraction from the constant pain in my chest.

My secretary turned and exit my office a few seconds after a man came in followed by a red-head with shades on. She looked awfully familiar.

"Mr. Carter, I'm here to speak on the behalf of my fiancée." The man said. He had a British accent. Confused as I am. I mentioned for him to take a seat.

"I'm Luke Mason and this is my fiancée Alliyah Bisson." As soon as he said the last name I tensed up and he noticed. "I'm sorry sir. You probably think she's a bad person because of what she did to Henrique but."

"Stop," I shouted at them. "Take off the shades." The red-head lifted the shades and I sat there shocked. What the hell was this all about? Why did she come here? What happened to her hair?

I stood up from my chair and turn to look at them, "You think you can fool me?" I said and ran my hand through my hair. Why did she come here pretending? "Why are you doing this Kalliyah? Why? Haven't you tormented me enough? Haven't you learnt your lesson?"

"What are you talking about?" she spoke up but her voice was slightly different.

"Oh, you don't know. Coming here acting like he's your fiancée." I shouted.

The man got up. "I am her fiancée," the English man shouted back.

"Luke stop, we should go." She pled with him. I looked at the man as his eyes soften towards her. The way mine used to.

"No, Ally. We will not. We're not leaving without my son." I looked at him. What the hell are they talking about? What son, Henrique?

She looked at him and smile.

"Oh my god, I'm so damn confused. Someone, please explain to me what's happening." I shouted and sat on the couch that was close to my desk.

"Okay," said Luke. He looked over to her. "It's okay."

He looked back over to me. "Ally had an affair with your father about a year and a half ago. She got pregnant with Henrique. After a couple of months of taking care of him, she decides to give him up. She thought she couldn't take care of him and wouldn't be a good enough mother. So she left him here for you to take care of him as his brother. She then moved to Alaska to start a new life, to start over. That's where we met. I'm here next door neighbour. We fall in love and now I'm here so we can get back our son. Ally is sorry for giving him up. She's also very sorry for sleeping with your father. She has changed. She's ready to be a mother with my help of course."

I looked at them amused. They really planned this out didn't they?

 "So why would you want to move to Alaska to start over. This time, let the lady talk, I'm certain she's not dumb."

He snorts and rolled his eyes. He looked to her, "Tell him, it's okay." He seems to say that a lot to her.

"I always hurt people especially my twin sister. She hates me."

"Why?" I incurred.

"I slept with her fiancée." She bent her head. "His father also."

"What the hell?"

"It's okay," Luke said to her. He lifted his head to look at me. "Have some feelings will you. She's very sorry for her wrongs that she's committed. Don't make her feel more worthless."

"So, you have a twin sister?" I played along.

"Yes, I do."

"Interesting. What's her name?"

"Her name is Kalliyah."

"Oh, okay. When was the last time you saw your sister?" I asked. I really began to think if they think I was this stupid.

"Three years ago. I haven't seen her since the day before her wedding. Well, she never got married. She ran away, I haven't seen or heard from her since."

"Okay, so you expected me to believe you have a sister?" I laughed.

"She does," her fiancée butt in.

"Okay, fine. Let me see pictures of you two."

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