Chapter 70

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Kalliyah's Pov

I look at him not knowing what. He looked good like he hasn't being in any pain. He was nicely shaved and he smells good. Has he moved on? Is a another girl in the house with him, why does he look so hot? 

"Kalliyah," I lifted my gaze to his emerald eyes, he sound shock that I'm here. I'd be too if i were him. I didn't exactly leave things friendly; i was mean and selfish. I was only thinking of myself. 

"Can I come in?" I found myself asking. It's not like i want to stay out here in cold night air in my situation. 

He look at me for what it seems as it was ages until he nod his head. He moved to give me way to pass the door. I slowly walked pass him into the house that i miss very much. I walked to living room and took a seat in the couch that lay in front the fireplace. He was still standing looking down at me, not saying a word.

"Can you please sit down?" I ask slowly.

He lifted his hands and scratch his head. "I should go and put on some cloths first." I look down at his bare chest. 

I nod and he left.

I look around the house i use to 'live' in. The house shared many memories, happy, sad, excitement and love. I miss it here. I miss everything in this house. Especially him and that's why i'm here.  I'm here to get back my baby, my man;  if he's willing to have me back. It seems that he has moved on with his life, maybe found another girl better than me or probably he just has forgotten about me.

I haven't forgotten him though. He's the first thing i think about when i wake and last when i go to bed. I still love him and not one day my mind hasn't drift to him and how he treated me with love when my memory was gone. How he told me he loved me multiple times but i never repeated it once until i thought i had lost him. Lost everyone. But the question that i need the answer to is Does he still love me? Does he forgive me for hurting him for making him cry? Will he take me back?

I need him. I need Alex especially now.

I sat down looking into space until i saw Alex taking a seat in the one diagonally from me. When he sat down he held both of his hands together not looking at me. I didn't know what to say so i stayed silent looking on his garment which was nothing fancy. He's wearing a grey plain T-shirt and sweat pants. 

Grey. Where is Grey? 

"Where is Grey?" I voiced my thoughts.

"Probably in the basement." he answered trying to keep his sentences short.

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad he's okay. He's probably happy here. Happier than i ever made him with all the nice dog food you can afford. I could never.."

"Are you here to discuss the dog or to talk about us because i'm confused?" Alex interrupted. I look at him and swallowed. How do could i bring up the past and not feel bad.?

I'm happy that he even said us which meant there probably is still an 'us'. 

"No, i'm not here about the dog, i'm here about us." I swallowed as i repeated his word. I bent my head looking at my hands. I wasn't really sure what to say next because he didn't seem like he wanted to start and build a conversation with me but at least i can try. Try and make things better between us.

"I'm sorry." my apology came out slower than i expected. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for making you cry. I wanted you to feel the way i felt when you pushed me out of your house. I was more than hurt, i felt like damage goods and i wanted you to know how it feels to have someone you love hurt you. Do you know hurt i was when you kicked me out? Do you know it felt when that suitcase hit my head. It hurt like hell, i felt like i wanted to die and maybe i did. You hurt me, Alex, you hurt me." I wiped the tears off my cheeks with the back of my palm. 

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