Chapter 68

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Alex's POV

I bend over and kiss Kally tenderly on her lips, then pulled away because if I didn't I wouldn't make it to work today. With our foreheads together we look in each other's eyes and smile.

"Do you really have to go?," she whispers as she pouts. Her hands holding tight to my grey tie.

I give her a quick kiss and remove her hands from my tie. "Yes, I do. I wish I can stay here all day like yesterday but I do have to work."

"But you never complained about not going to work yesterday, in fact you were begging me to stay in bed." I smile as her words. I was indeed begging her. How can I resist her? She's beautiful and sexy and she has my senses on alert. I needed to stay in bed to satisfy all the dirty desires that were in my head and make them come real.

"Yes, you are indeed correct. How could I leave the bed when you obviously placed some curse on me? First curse was for me falling madly, deeply and truly in love with you. The second well is for bewitching me, I can't seem to get you out of my system." I admit. Never in all my life, I've never being this smitten by a woman and this specific woman got me head over heels in love. There Is not one day that she's not on my mind. Damn! Not one moment. It's like she's casted a spell on me.

"Then don't, I don't want to be out of your system. Yes, you can say I did cast a spell. Witches do come with red hairs, although mine is dyed black, I'm a natural red head. Maybe I did cast a spell and you know what?" she leaned closer to me. "I'm not going to stop that spell."

I laugh, "I don't want you to."

She smile. "Good."

"Darling I still need to go to work though. If I don't work I can't keep this luxurious life style."

She shakes her head. "We don't have to live luxurious, as long as we are together, I'm okay."

"Me too but in order for you to be happy I need to buy you diamonds, gold, pearls, emeralds, jades; anything you like."

"What I like, no, love is right in front of me. You are what I need and only you." She states. I have everything confident that she loves me with everything she's got, just like I love her. I love her, too much to not think about life without her. I'd probably die.

"But, I still need to work."

She sighs. "You're not going to stop until you've win so go ahead, go to work. I'll be right her waiting for you."

"Oh, you're so sweet." I said and she smile.

"Go before I come for you."

I lift my hands in surrender, "Okay, okay!" I start working to the bedroom door then I turn around and smile. "I love you. See at five."

"Love you too," she shouts after me. I smile and close the bedroom door.

I look at my watch for the fifth time since evening. It's fifteen minutes to three. Although I didn't leave work until five I'm dying to go home to see my princess. I miss her already. It's funny how I reached from disliking her to madly loving her.

I look down at my desk. It was covered with many paper works and documents that was waiting to have my signature on it. My laptop desktop was open on a Microsoft Office to a presentation that I needed to make tomorrow at a important meeting. I ran my hands through my hair and sigh. All this can do tomorrow, I need to go home and see my baby, my love.

I stood up from the leather seat then grabbed my car keys from my desk. I took up my briefcase and walked out of the office and straight to the elevator. I need to see my baby because I'm missing her like crazy. When the elevator reached the parking lot, I quickly walk to my car. I open the door and place the briefcase on the passenger seat then place the key in the ignition. I'm going home to my baby.

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