Chapter thirteen.

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Picture of Alexandra above ^^^

Alexandra's Pov.


The next thing I feel is a tube. A tube in my throat. I don't choke on it or anything, I stay quiet. I feel a hand on my hand. I open my eyes to see it's my.. it's my mom. She looks over at me before I hear the words 'She awake, I need a doctor in here.' come out of her mouth.

*End Of Recap*

I don't dare move or say anything. I look at my surroundings. I see Sierra and dad hovered over me, as a doctor rushes into my room, along with some nurses. Everyone is talking all at once which makes my head hurt a little bit.

Suddenly the doctor orders for everyone to shut up so he can examine me. He moves a flashlight around my eyes which I follow, then he starts talking to me.

"Okay Alexandra I am gonna take the tube out of throat okay, and when I do I want you to say the first thing that comes to your head okay?" The doctor asks me.

I nod my head. Soon enough the tube is being taken out of my throat, and then it's completely out. I choke a little bit, my throat is incredibly dry.

"Can I have some water please?" I ask in a raspy voice.

The doctor looks at a nurse, who soon brings me some water to me. I take a slip and feel instant relief m. The cold water feels nice going down my dry throat.

"Okay Alexandra I am gonna ask you a series of questions, just to make sure you don't have an loss of memory okay?" He says to me.

"Okay." I respond.

"What day were you born?"

"May 12th, 1997."

"What is your twin brothers name?"

"Ryder Alexander James."

"What is the gender of your baby?"


"What is your mother and father's full names?"

"Dawson Issac James and Sierra Elise Underwood."

"Last question, what is the name of your deceased sister?" He asks me.

My heart drops. She isn't deceased, she's alive.

"Alesanda Elise James." I respond.

"Well, all her brain functions are normal, which is a very good sign. You are very lucky Alexandra, we almost lost you." He says smirking at me, "I would just like to keep her over night for some observations, but other than that your daughter and the baby look fine." He finishes.

"Thank god. I couldn't take losing another child again." Sierra says with a bit of relief.

What the fuck is she doing here? I think to myself as the doctor speaks to my parents. He walks out a bit later, dad grabs my hand and kisses my hand.

"You're very lucky." He says squeezing my hand tighter.

I just nod. I don't speak a word. It's like my brain told me to go mute. I don't know why, but it just did.

The room has an awkward silence for about ten minutes before Jackson walks in. He rushes over to me and grabs my hand from the other side of the bed and squeezes it tight.

"I love you so much." He whispers to me as kisses my forehead.

"I love you to." I whisper back.

"I think we should give you two some privacy."  Dad says as him and Sierra exit the room.

I just look into Jacksons eyes. The dark brown chocolate eyes, I've missed seeing. I miss seeing him.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what I would do with out you or her." Jackson says as he puts his hand on my belly.

"I don't know what I would do with it you either." I say as I connect lips with his.

I fall into his kiss more than I have before. I feel flutters in my stomach, something I haven't really felt before. Then I feel a kick, from my stomach. We break away from the kiss as soon as it happens.

"Whoa, did she just?" Jackson questions.

"I think she did." I say as we smile at my belly.


This chapter sucks. I am deeply sorry for that and also that it is short to.

Don't be afraid to point out any spelling or grammatical errors!






-Chelsea :)

Word count: 720

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