Chapter one.

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Alexandra's Pov.

I guess you can say, my life has been pretty screwed up since I entered this world, same goes to my twin brother, Ryder.

See, I was conceived on a one night stand, along with my brother Ryder. My parents just though it would be one hook up, but oh, they were so wrong.

Mom ended finding out she was pregnant with me and Ryder, shortly after the hook up. You could say she wasn't happy, at least that what she tells us.

Well, if being pregnant was even a shock enough, just imagine the shock she had on her face when she found out she was having twins.

My dad, on the other hand, was completely in love with me and Ryder since the first moment he saw are ultrasound picture.

I do admit, my parents were young, reckless, mostly careless. They really didn't have a plan for us. Until a few weeks after me and Ryder were born.

Growing up, in the James house, you could say was bittersweet. The rules is what screws me and Ryder over for life. Were always getting into some sort of trouble.

But it's not are mom giving us discipline, it's are father, Dawson Isaac James. Hell if he wasn't doing it no one else would. Mom doesn't even pay attention to us since the accident that me and Ryder, 'supposedly' caused.

See, when I was 6, my mother was driving to the airport, to pick up my grandma for the holidays. It was the middle of a snow storm and me and Ryder came down with a little 24 hours cold and my dad texted my mom about what to do, and she was stupid enough to try to answer her text.

She had my little sister Alesanda in the back. Me and Sandy were close, at the time. She was my best friend.

Well back to the story, mom ended up crashing. Some how, some way, mom survived but Sandy, Sandy didn't. I don't remember what she died of. But she was to young, she was only 4 years old. Mom blames me and Ryder for it everyday.

She got addicted to drugs when me and Ryder were 8 years old, so she has been doing drugs for almost 10 years.

Well, the day me and Ruder turned 17, which was in June. My dad, decided it was time for a change, and told us to pack are things. He didn't tells us where we were going, nor, how we were getting to this place.

I packed all my belongs, and we headed out a week later. Mom, well dad left mom behind, he didn't want 'The Drug Addict' to come with us.

He ended up moving us here to Dallas, Texas. The real reason he moved us out here is because of his job, and him and mom also are getting a divorce.

I honestly could careless. I was an outcast at my old school anyways. My brother, Ryder on the other hand, is a popular jock, unlike me. He plays football and all those other sports.

Me on the other hand, I do cheerleading, and I also do competitive dance. I mean, I could be popular, which I sorta was, but I rather be some music living geek, than being some stuck up fake ass blonde bitch.

I just really don't care.

I start at my new school tomorrow. Ravens Wood HighSchool.

Believe me, when I say I am scared, I am more like terrified. I do admit, being new in high school is no ride in the park. I've been there, done that, and let's say it didn't turn out the way I hoped.

But this year, this year, will be different, be mine.

Be perfect.


Hey lovelies.

I decided to make a third book.

Since A New Life is popular.

So I gave in.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Don't be afraid to point out any grammatical errors, or spelling errors!

[I am gonna start to do word counts at the end of every chapter, just for the fun of it! :)]






-Chelsea :)

Word Count: 698

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