1: Not So Pointless ~November 28~

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Pointless. That's the only word I could focus on when I walked through the double doors of Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School every morning. This is pointless, I'm pointless, life is pointless. You're born, you go to school, get married, have kids, then work until you die. It's all pointless, a repetitive cycle that is never ending, sucking each and every unfortunate human into its spiralling pointlessness. I suppose that's why I'm treated the way I am, because I've fought back against that cycle, and tried to make something out of my pointless existence.  You see, I'm what the dickheads at school call 'Homosexual trash', but I like to think of my sexuality as a way out of the rut that humanity has wormed its way into. It's not like I'm ashamed of my sexuality or anything, love is love, no matter what gender you're attracted to, but everyone at school believes I should be. I guess being different is a bad thing, and we all know that bad things need to be eradicated from the face of this Earth right?

I walk quickly down the halls covered in rows of banged up lockers. Normally I would simply meander to my next class, taking different routes every time to avoid my tormentors, but today was different, today I had a purpose that fueled the confidence needed to keep taking steps.

You see, in addition to being gay, I'm also what they call a 'fanboy' or more specifically, I'm a directioner, a fan of the boy band One Direction. Guy directioners are few and far between, so I was welcomed into the directioner family with open arms. That's why I spend most of my time on the internet, because those girls don't judge other members of the fandom, and those on Tumblr are so open-minded that I can actually feel like a normal person. It's nice to find out every once in a while that there's others like you who don't want their lives to be pointless, and I just happened to find those people hiding in one of the world's biggest fandoms.

Today's irrationally happy mood was entirely because of this band, and the reason that tonight, I would be seeing the four boys that are gods in my eyes live in concert. I've been waiting for this day ever since I became a directioner two years ago, and now that it's finally here, I won't let anything penetrate my happy bubble.

I feel a little nudge on my elbow and whirl around in a panic, expecting Jason or one of his cronies to be standing beside me, but instead, I see Steven, the only friend I have in this place standing with an ear-to ear grin on his face.

"How's your day been mate? Have any sexual thoughts about that boy band of yours?" He says, his strong Irish accent slurring some of the words.

I grin cheekily back at him. Other than my Mum and Gemma, Steven is the only other I feel comfortable acting normally around, minus all the directioners on Tumblr that I talk to. "That is personal information."

"I'll take that as a yes then. Please no details, I would like to preserve my innocence thank you very much." Turning a corner, the two of us make our way to Science, the only class we have together.

I laugh, "What innocence? I saw your search history on your phone."

"Touché Styles."

We walk into the room and I couldn't stop the annoyed groan from escaping my lips when I saw the oh-so-lovely lesson planned out on the board for us today.

"Get a load of the lesson plan. I'm so looking forward to yet another day of taking pointless notes that I will never again use after high school." Steven says, elbowing me playfully in the ribs. I swat his arm away and plop down in my seat, already dreading the class ahead of me.

"Why can't Mrs. Reedston cut us some slack for once?" I complain, putting my head in my crossed arms as Steven claims the seat across from me, "I mean today of all days! Is it too much to ask for one fucking break!"

"Well you can be the one doing the asking mate. She terrifies the shit out of me."  

A small chuckle escapes my lips. Steven's not wrong about that one. Cold, unyielding, and more than willing to stab you in the back if you gave her the chance, Mrs. Reedston is like the devil in little old lady form. "Not in a million years."

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