5: Journey's Beginning ~November 29~

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DATE: November 29




To say the silence that descended upon the three of us was awkward would be a major understatement. As well, saying that the death glare Steven gave me was just simply a glare would also be a major understatement, because I'm pretty sure that if I look directly into his eyes, I would just explode in a firey ball of hatred.

"Really? You would do that?" Louis says quietly, breaking the thick silence.

Steven beats me to the punch, "Absolutely not. We have to get home, and there's no way we can make a three hour detour just for you."

"I never said you had to come with us." I say, turning to Steven, "You can take the Tube back, and Louis and I can take the car down to London."

I'm speaking my thoughts as soon as they appear in my mind. No game plan, no way out of this, nothing at all. I've dug myself into a pretty deep hole and can't seem to find a way out. Had I been thinking normally, and my senses weren't overloaded with the fact that my favourite celebrity was standing a foot away from me and I was actually having a normal conversation with him, I would have probably fainted a long time ago.

"I can't take the Tube back to Cheshire  you idiot! In case you haven't noticed, it's a pretty long walk to Cheshire from where it drops off!" Steven exclaims, looking dangerously close to strangling me, "And that's my car we're talking about here!"

"Listen." Louis says, stepping between us like some sort of human barrier, "I appreciate you wanting to help and all, but Blondie is right, I shouldn't be imposing on you guys like that. I'll just take the Underground by myself and hope that I don't get mobbed."

Steven looks content with Louis' statement, but the inner fan-girl inside of me is demanding that I don't back down so easily. "And how exactly are you going to pay to get on the underground?" I ask.

Louis falls silent, his face slowly twisting into confusion. "Um..."

"Exactly. You're coming with us. End of discussion." I declare, slightly surprised at this newfound confidence that has magically appeared.

Instantly, the glare of death is back as Steven whips his head around to face me. "But what about me! I don't want to come with you!"

"And we're back on this topic." I mutter. "Okay. You know what, this is how it's gonna work. I'm going with Louis on the Underground to make sure nothing happens and YOU." I punctuate the word with a sharp point at Steven, "Will go home and tell my Mum that I'll be home later."


"Not buts. Be happy that I'm making a decision on my own for once. I'll see you a little later." I say, this new feeling of confidence flowing through me feeling absolutely incredible. I go to walk out of the place when I suddenly remember something important, "But first I eat!"


"You know I'm really thankful that you're doing this. It's not everyday you meet some random stranger who's so nice."

It smarts a little that Louis called me a random stranger considering the fact that we've technically already met, but the 'so nice' comment acts as a nice bandage. "Don't mention it. I need some excitement in my life every once in a while." I surprise myself by answering. I wonder when this confidence is going to wear off.

"Yeah, but I think it might have ruined your friendship." Louis remarks, gesturing in the general direction that Steven drove away in. The image of the betrayal that was so evident in Steven's eyes floats o the surface of my memories before I push it back down.

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