3: I May Be A Pansy... ~November 28-29~

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"Hey Steven? Where are you? I thought we were supposed to be heading back home." I say, waving goodbye to Veronica as she climbs into what I assume is her Mum's car.

"Didn't I text you?"


"Oh." I face palm. What an odd duo we make, the fanboy and the idiot. "Well, I talked to Darryll, and considering the fact that's it's Friday and there's absolutely no way I'm driving home at this hour, he said it would be okay if the two of us crash at his place tonight."

"You're hammered right now, aren't you?"

"How can you guess? I've only fallen down like 4 times."

I scoff, of course Steven would be drunk, he's Irish, it's all he knows, "Well, can you at least give me an address then? I don't feel like scouring the entire city of Manchester to find you."

"Uh, 1234, 5 Street."

"I meant the address of Darryll's place, dumbass." A woman walking past glares at me and I feel strongly like I should flip her off. I'm 18; I should be able to swear whenever the hell I want! Besides, it's not my fault my friend uses every possible opportunity to get drunk.

"Right. Darryll! Where do you live?"

Faintly, I can hear someone who can only be this mysterious Darryll say something about a West dorm, then Steven's voice is back, sounding extremely loud to my still-damaged ears. "We're at the University of Manchester, in the West dorm. Just call a lorry or something! See you then mate!"

I make a sound of protest, trying to get a word in, but am rewarded yet again by the sound of the dial tone. Dammit Steven.

Unsure of my next move, I look around to see all the night shoppers still bustling about. One of the perks of living in a small town is that you aren't subjected to the constant stream of 24/7 noise of the cities. At the same time, living in Cheshire means I can count on one hand how many times I've been to Manchester, and I'm clueless when it comes to city life. So, hailing a lorry for the first time, this should be interesting.

I decide to go for the safe approach, and stick my hand out like I've seen people in the movies do it. I stand there long enough for my arm to start feeling like a deadweight, and people to stare at me like I'm a nutter. Finally, after god knows how long, I'm rewarded by the sight of a black lorry pulling up to the curb. I yank open the door and plop down into the plush leather seat, glad to finally be out of the frigid air. I notice the lorry driver looking at me expectantly, and with a start I realise he's waiting for me to specify the location.

"Oh erm, University of Manchester, West dorm please." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. A habit I picked up from my Mum whenever she was in an awkward situation.

Without a word, the lorry lurches forward, and I decide to pass the time by attempting to beat my high score on Temple Run. I play for about 30 seconds, before realising that I simply can't concentrate, and lock my phone.

Settling back into the seat, I close my eyes and let the past few hours’ events sweep over me. I can't believe it. I went to see my idols sing live and act like complete idiots on stage, an experience I wouldn't trade for any sum of money, and to top it all off, I actually got to meet and talk to them. I go over the interaction between Louis and I. His hands were really soft, or maybe mine are just really in need of a moisturiser and sweet Jesus his eyes. Wow that is definitely a sight I would pay to see over and over again. They were just so...blue, like I can't even explain the shade of blue his eyes are. From one angle they would be baby blue, and then you would shift like a centimetre and it would change into a sky blue. God I really want to see those eyes again.

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