8: This Calls For A Proper WTF ~November 30~

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DATE: November 30




When I wake up in the morning, feeling pleasantly refreshed, two things are brought to my attention. For one, I'm lying some strange room still wearing the same clothes I donned two days ago, and secondly, there appears to be a second person in this bed with me who apparently likes to cuddle.

I blink. Cuddle? I'm not aware of anyone that I know who's into that.

Still feeling very disoriented, I sit up, ignoring the arms that are wrapped around my waist and try to rub some of the confusion out of my mind by massaging my temples, however, as soon as my index finger makes contact with my skin, I immediately regret my decision as the memories come rushing back with a startling clarity.

Louis, hotel, water fight, but that can only mean one thing...

Like my head suddenly weighs a thousand pounds or, scratch that, less because if it was a thousand pounds I'd probably be dead right now, but regardless, I stiffly look down to see none other than Louis Tomlinson...with his arms wrapped around me.

I swear, that in that moment, I resembled someone who has just been dangled upside down for about half an hour.

By some stroke of luck however, I manage to refrain from emitting a shout of surprise and instead gently unwrap the arms around my waist. Once I'm freed from Louis' grasp, I feel as if I can breathe again and slowly slide my way out of the bed. My feet haven't even touched the ground when I feel a crunching pain coming from my stomach.

"Fuck." I curse, bending over with wince. Of course I forgot that neither of us got the chance to eat last night. In fact, I don't think I've eaten anything since that late breakfast I had with Steven yesterday, and even then he drove off in a tizzy and took what was left with him.

This time, the wince isn't the result of hunger pains, the cause instead lying in my own memories. Yesterday, probably one of the most memorable days of my life, the day that all common sense flew out the window and I volunteered to take part in this trip.

Not my finest hour.

However, what's done is done, and now I need to face the consequences that have come and have yet to come because of my actions.

"But first, breakfast." I say out loud as my stomach lets out another loud rumble.


20 minutes later, I'm sitting back in our shared hotel room with about 5 pounds worth of breakfast foods spread out on the table before me. I had a lingering suspicion that this hotel served breakfast in the morning, and thankfully my suspicion turned out to be true or else I probably would have gone out and robbed a grocery store right then and there.

"What time is it?" I hear Louis mutter from the other side of the room as he starts shifting around in the bed. 

"Around 10." I respond, digging into a tasty looking croissant.

"Mmm, that's lovely." I hear the sound of more rustling and infer that he's at least sitting up now, "What are you doing?"


 An exasperated groan, then, "I can see that."

I stuff another piece of the pastry into my mouth, chewing it with gusto, "Then why'd you ask?"

There's no response to follow the question and as I go to take another bite of the absolutely delicious heavenly creation, my teeth close on empty air as the pastry is snatched out of my fingers.

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