7: 6 Reasons to Stay In A Hotel ~November 29~

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A/N: Hey guys! So how was Christmas for everyone that celebrates it? I got so much1D stuff I think I might just die. Anyways, just thought I'd share that with you, this chapter however, is kind of a crack chapter though, just detailing what it was Louis and Harry got up to while in the hotel room (don't get any ideas you perverts, and yes, I know you're out there) So next chapter will go back to normal....Sorry about the flashbacks to, I just needed a bit of a filler


DATE: November 29





I walk around the little shop slowly, admiring the useless trinckets that adorn the walls as I patiently wait for Louis to finish up whatever call he was making.


I'm momentarily thrown off balance as what feels like a truck crashes into me and arms wrap around my waist, "Guess what!"

I can feel my face colouring as I try to regain my footing. Why the sudden public display of affection? "I don't know. What?" I say stupidly, prying at the arms that seem to have no intention of loosening their hold.

"Aww, that's no fun." I take a look down at the smaller man's face which currently has a very prominent pout, of course he's acting like a child, "But anyways, I called Paul, and he made us reservations at a hotel!" He finally lets go of me with the final words and narrowly avoids knocking over an entire shelf of merchandise.

For I second I'm shocked into a motionless state before the sound of the shelf wobbling brings me back. "Shit!" I cry, lunging forward past Louis to steady the furniture, "I'm really sorry about that! But thank you for letting us use your phone!" I call over to the shop owner, who just waves a dismissive hand in response, I turn to address Louis, my voice dropping in volume, "Now let's leave before you bust everything in this place."

I usher the boy back out into the street, despite his protests that 'Store warm, outside not'. "So, where is it we're going?" I ask after we resume walking, my hands buried deep in my pockets. I suppose Louis was right after all.

Louis looks up at the buildings looming up in front of front of us before pointing to a large one at the end of the street, "That's it."

"We're staying in there?!"

Louis shrugs, "It's nothing special really, I've stayed in better."

I gape at him, but somehow keep walking despite my shock. Of course it's only plausible that Louis' stayed in hotels more extravagent considering the extensive travelling he's done during his career, by I on the other hand have had to be content with dinky little motels everytime I went somewhere away from home, or worse, a relative's house.

I will never forgive Mum for making me stay with Gran for those 2 weeks. Some things you can just not unsee.

2. The Beds

"Yeah, can we get a room?"

I mentally facepalm at Louis' words. "Way to word it Lou." The nickname slips its way out again but neither Louis nor I is too peturbed about it. The young woman behind the desk with a nametag reading 'Catherine' looks at us with a mischevious glint in her eye, and it doesn't take much to figure out what it is she's thinking right now.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asks in the fake voice that all people in the hotel business seem to be prone to talking with.

"Yup. Under Tomlinson I do believe he said." Louis answers for me.

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