2: Concert ~November 28~

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QUICK AN: Despite the fact that Harry has never been in the band, it doesn't change anything One Direction has done. They still have the same songs, same interviews etc.

"Can you believe we're actually here?!"

"We're breathing the same air as the lads!"


I squirmed in my seat a little, my eardrums exploding by the...enthusiasm of these girls. I knew before coming here that it would be loud, I've listened to other concert videos -with the volume turned down of course- but it's so much louder in person. Even so, I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. Sure, I probably won't be able to hear or talk normally for a few days after this, but it'll be so worth it.

"You've got to be shitting me!"

Looking for the source of the voice, I pivot a little to the side to see the girl sitting next to me staring with wide eyes, "Um, hi there." I say awkwardly.

The girl, who looks to be about 14 years old, smiles big, revealing the braces on her teeth, "Please tell me you're a guy directioner."

I look her up and down taking in the bright red trousers and 1D shirt, obviously she's going for the direct fangirl approach. "Yes I am. Why?"

Her eyes light up, "I've always wanted to meet a guy directioner! You guys are without a doubt, the coolest people on Earth, besides One Direction of course."

"Well..." I truly am at a loss for words. I've never had anyone be excited to meet me before, especially for the reason that I'm obsessed with a boyband. "Um, thanks I guess."

"Oh, I'm Veronica by the way, not Zayn dressed up as a woman mind you." Veronica sticks her hand out in greeting. Being the awkward soul I am, I spend a good 30 seconds staring at her outstretched palm before getting the hint. "Erm, I'm Harry."

"Not like Harry Potter I suppose." She smiles, shaking my hand enthusiastically.

I laugh, "I wish."

"They should really sing that song again, I used to love all the synchronised walking they would do, even better if one of them got it wrong."

Being the directioner I am, I immediately understand the song and concert references in Veronica's sentence. What can I say? I get bored at night and YouTube is free.

"I think that they should bring back I Want. I always loved it when the boys would jump into the crowd. Personally though, I just want to get the chance to touch that fine ass of Tomlinson's. Plus, it's an absolutely amazayn song." I finish with a cheeky wink.

Veronica's eyebrow goes up a millimeter, "I take it you're a Louis erm...guy then."

I open my mouth to respond when all of a sudden, the screaming increases ten-fold, causing me to clap my hands over my ears. Everyone stands up, and I realize that the opening video is about to be played. Oh my carrots, I can't believe it, the concert's starting and I have front row seats to see One Direction in person and asdfghjkl feels!


An hour and a half later, I feel numb to everything around me. Of course, I'm pretty much deaf, and frankly, my throat is so hoarse from the endless cheering and singing along to every single song, I think talking is out of the question. It's not the inability to use 2 senses that numbs me, but the fact that I swear Zayn fucking Malik made eye contact with me, and Louis was trying to give everyone in that stadium a stroke with all that hip-thrusting. It was a good day.

"Harry! Hey Harry!"

I stop in the middle of the crowd, causing a number of girls to bump into my still form, but thankfully I can't hear any of the insults they're throwing at me. Veronica seems to be running in full tilt towards me, holding two slips of green paper above her like they're the most important things in the world.

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