6: 20 Questions ~November 29~

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DATE: November 29




"So, what do we do now?"

"That has to be the stupidest question I have ever heard in my entire life."

To say I was pissed would probably be the understatement of the year. Not only am I stuck in some fucking Scottish town with 70 pounds on me and no way of communicating with anyone that could help me out in this situation, but I am stuck with a completely useless diva of a celebrity who neglected to mention the fact that he could just rent out a hotel room whenever the hell he feels like it. I don't care that I was so star struck at first that I suggested we go on this harebrained adventure, it's his fault for getting left behind in the first place!



"What is it now?" I ask exasperatedly, my brain still erratically churning the events of the past 10 minutes around, which I suspect has something to do with the fact that I feel like taking a nap instead of having a full-scale panic attack. I'm just not used to having to do this much thinking in such a short period of time and it's making me sleepy.

Silence follows my question, leaving me to believe that Louis has somehow spontaneously combusted in the past 30 seconds without my noticing and I happily let myself drift farther into the realm of sleep.

After about 5 seconds however, I register someone breathing on my face and crack open an eyelid to see a pair of blue eyes staring wildly at me, "Bloody hell!" I shout, jerking out of my tired state and bolting upright in my seat, "Why are you so close?!" I try to say it confidently, suddenly noticing the lack of distance between the two of us, but instead it come out as more of a hissing sound.

Louis leans back, completely nonchalant about the whole encounter, "I always do that to the lads when they don't wake up right away. I'm glad to see it works on you to."

I open and close my mouth, probably resembling a retarded fish. "Um...okay?"

"Anyway, the reason I said shit earlier was because I realised that our tickets aren't for this train."

My mind is still fuzzy too busy trying to comprehend the situation and why Louis is acting like a normal person for once to actually try and think about what his words mean. "And...?"

"And we're going to get kicked off the second the guy comes to check our tickets."

My eyes widen as everything clicks into place and I scramble to get my crumpled ticket from where I shoved it into my pocket. "Oh."

"What is it?" Louis asks, once again invading my personal space to look at the ticket, I try to ignore the chin that has rested itself on my shoulder.

"I err..." I stutter out, a blush slowly creeping into my cheeks from embarrassment. Whether or not it was from Louis' close proximity or the mistake I had made I don't know, but it was probably because of both.

"You bought tickets to Glasgow." Louis deadpans.

"I bought tickets to Glasgow." I echo.

Silence, and then, "HAHA! So I'm not the only one who made a mistake!"

I almost jump a foot in the air at the volume of Louis' voice. The crazy lad hath returned with a fury. "Well at least my mistake will keep us from getting kicked off the train!" I retort. The great Harry Styles doesn't make mistakes!

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