9: A Rather Short Ending

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"Oh bloody hell, what happened?" I moan, reaching a hand up to rub my aching head.

"How should I know?" I blink a little to clear the blurriness from my vision and am shocked when I see Steven standing above me, "One minute you're walking behind me, blathering on about how you're going  to go see Two Directions or something, and then the next thing you're on the floor."

"Huh." I take Steven's proffered hand and pull myself up, wincing slightly at the pain in my head, "I think I had a dream or something." I mutter, but it's more of a self statement than anything. I narrow my eyes a little, trying to recall the exact details. I get a few flashes of things like pancakes, lettuce, and train tickets as well as some girl who's name was...Veronica I think? I furrow my brow even more, trying to remember what I believe to be a very important part but nothing presents itself to me. "Nevermind, it's not really that important." I say finally, waving a hand to dismiss the matter.

Steven laughs, "You are one weird kid Styles." He says, ruffling my hair slightly, "Well, we better get going."

"Going where?" I ask, confused.

Steven looks at me, "How hard did you hit your head? Are you sure you don't need to go see the nurse or something? Cause if you do I'm coming with you. You owe me for getting us into detention in the first place."

Detention? But in my dream...we had detention to.

I shake my head, it must be a coincidence, a very unfortunate coincidence. Then again, if things are happening like they did in my dream.

I'm suddenly hit with a barrage of noise and colour as the events of my dream start to piece themselves back together. "Steven." I say, pulling on his sleeve to halt his movements. When he turns to look at me with confusion written all over his face the final piece of the puzzle slots itself into place and visions of a certain smiling sandy-haired, blue eyed man invade my mind, "Let's skip detention, I've got a concert to go to anyways."

Steven smiles at me before grabbing my arm and taking off running down the hallway, me in tow, "I knew you were fine kid!" He yells.

On the other hand, I only smile.

Because this time, it's real.


Louis stares at me through my laptop screen, his mouth completely agape. "So you mean to tell me." He starts slowly, still obviously processing the information that has just been thrust upon him, "That before we met at that meet and greet and I asked you on a date, you had a dream when you passed out in the hallway of your school that detailed exactly what we would do if I had gotten left behind in Manchester?'

I nod, "Pretty much."

He leans back a bit, "Wow, that's pretty freaky. We might have to do that sometime." He says thoughtfully.

My eyes widen, "Hold your horses there! I for one don't feel like going through all of that again!"

Louis laughs, "I was just joking, thought it would be pretty cool." He bites his lip thoughtfully. If he were here with me right now, I probably would have slapped him.


"Well fine then, be that way." He pouts, "I don't get to see you for another month and yet you seem to enjoy tormenting me every chance you get."

Now it's my turn to laugh, "That's just because I don't want to get locked out of the house at midnight again. Gotta insult you while you're halfway around the world, that way you can't come and slap me or something."

"You act all cocky now, but just you wait. Tonight you're going to wake up and BOOM! The Tommo's right in front of you!" He claps his hands together for effect.

I smirk at him, "Anything to get into my bed right?"

Louis turns the shade of a ripe tomato and starts sputtering out nonsensical babble, I chuckle a little as his awkwardness, "Well that seems like a good note to leave off on, besides, it's almost midnight here and I have a Maths test tomorrow." I move my mouse over the 'end call' button just as Louis regains control of his vocal functions.

"Don't you dare hang up on me Styles!" He threatens. I grin and wave at the camera.

"Bye babe!" I say cheerfully before clicking the end call button and closing my laptop.

For anyone who's wondering, the fiasco that I had dreamed about between Louis and I dealing our race to London never did come true, but then again, I couldn't really believe something that I heard in a dream right? No matter who it was that told it to me. Instead, the only thing that really came true was that I ended up going to a One Direction meet and greet after all, though not because of Veronica, as far as I know, she doesn't exist. However, the raffle that determined which ticket numbers got to meet the boys was very much real, and to say I had deja vu as I walked into that room would be an understatement.

Just like in my dream, I met my idols, only this time, instead of leaving to go find Steven and then later run into Louis in a café bathroom, I was surprised to say the least when Louis slipped his number into my pocket, telling me to 'call him sometime'.

Of course I did end up calling him, three days later after almost having the heart attack the first time I attempted to call, and that sent the ball rolling. It was a bit of a shock to find out that Louis was gay, but considering some of his behaviour, it wasn't all that hard to get my mind around once I calmed down a bit.

It's been about a year since all of that, and I am pleased to say that I can now officially call Louis Tomlinson my boyfriend. Of course, I can't really say that because I had to sign a shitload of paperwork saying that I wouldn't and I sure as hell don't want to be chased down by some of those scary looking security guards that were present during the signing.

Despite having to live in hiding, it's been pretty smooth for the both of us. I still have school and Louis is all over the world doing who knows what with the rest of the band but I don't really mind. Well, I suppose I do mind it when he calls me in the middle of a class because he has the timezones all messed up, but the fact that he always apologizes for it when we video chat that night, like we do every night makes it okay.

God, I sound like a lovesick schoolgirl don't I?

Oh well, I'm a lovesick schoolgirl who's dating a celebrity.

I win.

A/N: Sucky ending, I know...but I BET NO ONE PREDICTED THAT HUH?!

Well....someone probably did...

Anyways, I apologize for the abrupt ending, but if you read the massive blurb in the last chapter then you should understand why...

Other than that, I really don't have anything better to say...so I guess I'll see you all later and hopefully  I can regain my One Direction infection!


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