chapter 3

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Jessica's POV:

I woke up this morning next to Daryl with Maddy in between us. I smiled and stood up. I changed into some different clothes and unzipped the tent, walking outside. I helped Carol and the other lady's wash some clothes for a while before walking back to camp. A few minutes later Madison came hurling out of the tent with Daryl and Merle laughing behind her. " Hey, mommy." She said running over to me.

I smiled at her, " Hey, princess. Did you sleep well?"

Maddy nodded. " Yes, mommy. Can I go play with Carl and Sophia?" She asked.

I nodded and she ran over to the two who were learning some math. Then I felt two arms going around my waist and a nose nuzzling into my neck, making me giggle. " Sleep well?" Daryl asked, kissing my neck. 

I smiled and said " Well... Merle's snoring kept me up all night." I said laughing. Daryl laughed and pulled away from me. " Yea he does snore pretty loud, huh?" He said.

Merle, I guess heard this because he walked up to us. " I don't snore." He said grumbling.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, you do. Don't try to deny it. Remember that one time where you were snoring so loud that I kicked you out of the house. You slept with midnight."

Merle stuck his tongue out at me and ruffled my hair, making me growl. He smirked and walked over to Carol. Daryl laughed at his brother's behavior, turning to me. " Want to go hunting with me?" He asked.

I nodded, " Of course. Let's go tell Maddy."

Daryl nodded and we walked over to the Rv, seeing Madison playing barbies with Sophia. She saw us and ran over. " Hey, mommy. Hey, daddy."

I smiled down at her, " Princess, me and daddy are going hunting for a bit. We want you to stay here, okay?"

Madison looked disappointed but cheered up when Daryl promised her that he would bring her back a Cherokee rose. " Stay in Dale's sight, okay?" Daryl said, kissing Madison on the forehead. Madison nodded and we were off. 

* Three hours later *

It was nearly dark when Daryl and I made it back to camp. Daryl was holding three rabbits, and a deer, which was just luck. I was holding his bow and a Cherokee rose like he promised. " Oh, I'm so tired," I said yawning.

Daryl laughed at me and we walked into camp. Two fires were going and only a few people were sitting around them. They noticed us and smiled. Carol came up and took our kills to clean them.

I looked around for Madison and Merle but didn't see them. " Dale, where are Madison and Merle?" I asked. Dale nodded back toward the Rv. " She couldn't sleep in the tent while you two were gone, so they are in the RV." He said.

I smiled and we walked over, about to open the door when I heard a scream. A childlike scream...

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