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Sorry the prologue is so short, The chapters will be much longer :D
The air was freezing, it was leaf fall.  A variety of coloured leaves lay on the ground covered with frost.  The sun was just peeking out of the horizon.  Most cats were in there den, but their was an exception, Dawn Patrol.   Windstar padded along with patrol, she on her last life and was very cautious.  She tasted the air, he scented an odd scent, but yet, similar. Dog! She thought pricking up his ears.  She unstealthed her claws, "Dog!" She warned her patrol.  For more information she sniffed the air once more, it was a wild dog, the scent was close, and fresh.  The large brown beast padded out of the ferns.  It looked at he patrol and growled.  Cloudshine bared her teeth and pounced on the the dog.  The dog shook the warrior off.  Cloudshine was determined to fight, she got up weakly, ignoring her scratches.  She back kicked the dog into a tree, the dog groaned.  Cloudshine leaped on the dog, the swatted her stomach as hard as it could, Cloudshine was flung to the ground, her stomach bleeding hardly.  Other Cats attacked it, the dog was hurt, but not badly.  Windstar pounced on it and tried to bite its neck but The dog shook her off, it's short hair slightly brushed her pelt, she got up and snarled.  The dog ran towards camp, leaving Cloudshine, Windstar and the other cats.  He was heading for the largest cave, the nursery.  Windstar ran as fast she could to beat the dog, her long hair blew with the wind, it was cold and refreshing.  She sprinted, and beat the dog.  The dog noticed her in frount of it, it didn't think anything of it, it looked in the large cave, and sniffed it.  Th  dog smelt fresh kill, and other cats, its pelt Rose, and it's claw unstelthed, ready for a battle.  The dog was about to pad in.  Windstar had to think fast.  She dived in front of the large beast and hooked her claws around the dogs neck.  The dog back kicked her off, but Windstar dug her claws into the slight dirt in the mountainous area and stood up.  Eagletail saw the leader being attacked, he ran to her.  Windstar grunted, and saw Eagletail "Eagletail, go help Cloudshine, I-I'm fine!" She insisted.  Eagletail slightly hesitated, but then saw his mates, limp, yet breathing body, and gasped running to Cloudshine.  Windstar set her gaze back on the dog and hissed.  The dog arched it's back, and tryed diving into he nursery, but falled, Windstar pounced on the dog on the floor, and hooked it's claw around it neck, and bite it, with all its might.  The dog scratched Windstar multiple times, trying to get Windstar to real ease her bite.  Windstar was determined to kill the dog, she just bite harder, then she released, thinking the dog was weak enough, and not wanting to stand the claws of the dig, ripping her soft pelt.  The dog was weakened, it was about to die, with its last power it bite off Windstar's neck, she yowled in pain.  Before Feathertalon could come to treat her she blacked out.  She saw StarClan and padded to her warrior ancestors.

Stoneclaw looked at her leader, her lifeless body lay on the floor.  He felt like crying, leaders don't cry, he snapped to himself.  He started to dig a hole, he felt butt burying beneath his claws.  Soon, Wildpelt joined in, dirt covered his spiky fur.  After while there was 4 cats digging, the hole was finished quickly.  They placed her body in the hole and sat in silence, and dipped their heads.  They left the hole in silence, the dirt covered cats went to their dens to clean off.  The rest of the day was silent.  The memory of their leader dying to save the kits repeated in all their minds.  By dawn Feathertalon and Stonestar had arrived from the Hallow Oak, the new leader had risen.

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