Chapter 1

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All cats sat around the grave of Windstar, Wildfur was the most sad.  Wildfur and Windstar were mates, she was 2 moons pregnant.  His tears streamed down his spiky pelt,flattening the fur.  Many cats with broke hearts from the death, Windstar was a fair and brave leader, most cats considered her one of the best. 
Stone star climbed to the top of the Tall Oak, the bark crumbled beneath his paws, the bark was very dry and brittle.  Stonestar has always wanted to be leader, to have control over the clan.  A the Hallow Oak he knew he was meant to be leader, he thought his ideas were the best and never considered the coniqences.
Now, Eagletail was deputy, being co-deputy when Windstar was leader.  Eagletail sat by the grave in silence. His black and white pelt was blowing in the wind, and his Amber eyes were glowing with sadness.
He padded up to Wildfur "She was a great leader and she would have been a great mother," he meowed, he dipped his head "she will be remembered."
Stonestar reached the top, panting.  How did Windstar do it so easily he thought.  He puffed out his chest and hollered "All cats, gather around the Tall Oak!"
Most cats did as said, Eagletail and Wildfur just turned their head, still sitting at her grave. He's having a Clan meeting already! It's like he doesn't care that Windstar has died Eagletail thought as he gritted his teeth.
"As a all know Windstar is no longer with us, but I will be a great leader. I will be as fair and brave as Windstar and I will tell you all my ideas to make the clan better!" He mewed loudly from the Tall Oak "That is all, meeting dismissed."
Eagletail shook his head . A meeting, about how he is better than Windstar, I have a bad feeling about him Eagletail thought, he shook the thought off and padded to the fresh kill pile.
Treepaw and Sparrowpaw were sharing tongues. They had their tail rapped around each other and both were purring loudly.
In the nursery many kits were squealing, the queens were having trouble calming them down. Eagletail padded by, Kits he was thought. Nightkit pounced on his back. "I'm almost 4 moons, I'll be an apprentice before you know it!" He boasted. Eagletail let out
a meow of laughter. "I'm sure you'll be a treat warrior" he purred shaking the kit off.
Eagletail padded past the medicine den. He heard a yowl of pain. He looked inside the den. Cloudshine, his mate, lay in some moss yowling, her stomach was badly and deeply scratched by the dog. Feathertalon had put some cobwebs on it but it still looked red and swollen. "A-are you okay?" Eaglestar asked his mate.
Feathertalon looked at him sadly "I'm afraid it's infected, with the lack of herbs we can't do much, I am sorry" she mewed dipping her head. Eagletail nodded, he padded out with his head hung low and padded to the fresh kill pile, he grabbed a rabbit and padded back to the medicine den.
Cloudshine looked up. "Want some?" Eagletail mewed through the rabbit.
"O-of course!" She smiled.
The both were eating the rabbit and loudly purring. And they looked at each other.  They both knew eventually the infection would take Cloudshine into StarClan but they ignored it, and enjoyed the rabbit. The rabbit was finished, Eagletail stood up and looked a his mate and then Feathertalon. "Good Bye!" He purred padded out of the medicine den.
Wildfur lay beside Windstars grave and sighed "Why?" He muttered.
Eagletail observed camp, the elders were complaining to Robinpaw about their moss being to damp.  Some kits playing with Skypaw, who seemed very uncomfortable and was called for help.  Eagletail laughed.  Mintpaw was practicing battle moves with his mentor, he was becoming quite skilled, he'll be a great warrior Eagletail thought.
Sparrowpaw, Eagletail's apprentice was sharing a vole with Treepaw so he decided not to wreak their fun.  He padded into the nursery, and let Skypaw leave, she looked dramatized
"Do you kits want to hear a story?" He asked.
All the kits nodded and padded towards him, they rather sat or lay near him.
"Once there was a leader, Maplestar, he loved the clan. One day, when he was deputy, a monster came by and flattened his tail, it became crippled. Without his tail he couldn't balence to climb trees, but it didn't stop him from becoming leader, he became leader and would Climb a rock inside of the Tall Oak, because he believe that a leader just had towards the clan and make it better, he didn't believe a leader had to be perfect, the other warriors wanted to make him move into the leaders den but he didn't listen and then became on of the best leaders of this clan. He died from saving the clan from a badger attack, he lead the badger away from the clan but the badger killed her," he mewed
"Woah! I'll be Maplestar, you the badger!" Snowkit mewed. Riverkit chased Snowkit around the nursery. Thornkit looked up at the Tall Oak. "Will you be leader on day?" He asked with a sparkle in his eye.
"Yes, when Stonestar dies or retires." He mewed to the kit.
Thornkit nodded. He looked at the Tall Oak again, Someday,Thornkit thought.
Eagletail left the nursery and smiled, he had always wanted kits of his own. He looked at the sky Moonhigh already! He thought. He leaped into the warriors den and slept.

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