Chapter 3

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Eagletail yawned and happily leaped out of the warriors den. He looked up to the sky, the thick cold air had a cloud of fog in front of him.  Their was now a light snow on the ground, and more snowflakes falling, leaf bare had begun.  The bark was brittle and the grass was covered with snow.  He happily padded to the fresh kill pile. It was very low, he decided not to eat, but to bring a vole to his mate, Cloudshine. Ever since the dog attack, Cloudshine was in the medicine den, she had a horribly deep stomach cut that recently became infected. Feathertalon told him that she will not live a full life, that the infection can't be healed. Eagletail understood, so everyday went to visit his mate, knowing on day when he came back, she would be in StarClan.
With the plump vole, he padded into the medicine den. The vole was still warm, most likely caught on the early hunting patrol he scheduled. Cloudshine woke up from her deep slumber. Eagletail nudged her the vole. She started to purr.
"Cloudshine, I love you" he mewed curling his tail around hers.
"Me too. There's no one I would rather be with than you" Cloudshine purred.
"Eat up, you need your strength" Eagletail mewed flicking his tail to the vole.
Cloudshine took a deep bite and purred. Eagletail licked her head. "Good Bye, see you later" he purred padding out of the den. Feathertalon dipped her head to him and gave him a worried look.
Eagletail was worried about his mate, with the snow most fresh herbs will die.  Now Cloudshine has gotten a cough along with her infection.  It may only be white cough but if the herbs all die then it will turn into greencough. He sighed, he padded to fresh kill pile, it was very low.  Eagletail's stomach was crying for some prey, he hadn't ate anything for 5 sunrises.  He decided to go to the Elders den and nursery to see if they have ate any prey yet.
Eagletail padded to the nursery.  Nightkit and Thornkit were fighting.  "I'll bet you, Dog!" Thornkit yowled.
"Never" Nightkit spat, fake biting his neck. 
"No..." Thornkit mewed and closed his eyes.
Eagletail let a 'meow' of laughter out, assuming they were pretending to be Windstar and the dog.
Riverkit seemed love struck, looking at Nightkit like he had just saved the clan from a battle single pawed. 
Snowkit laughed at her sister. "Love b-" she was interrupted by Riverkit.  Riverkit pounced on her.
Riverkit's stomach was exposed.  Snowkit kicked it. 
"Mousebrain!" Snowkit purred.
Eagletail padded to the queens.
"Have you all ate yet?" He asked. 
Mistshine nodded.  Stonepelt looked at him and then at all the other queens.  "We have," she mewed.
Eagletail nodded and padded out of the nursery .
Robinpaw was getting new moss again for the elders.
"The snow drips through the den!" Mosstail spat.
Robinpaw ignored him. Getting his nest fixed.
Eagletail padded in.  "Have all the elders eaten?" He asked.
"Our course we have! When the first hunting patrol comes in we eat!" Mosstail spat.
The other elders silently nodded.
Robinpaw looked at him, a sparkle in her eyes.  Eagletail could tell she was as hungry as he was.  He could smell the fresh kill from here.  Robinpaw padded up to him. 
"We could share some prey, then we eat less.  I haven't eaten in sunrise!" She mewed.
Eagletail looked at her, she looked desperate for prey, but not wanting to break the warrior code. 
"Sure! Let's take a black bird though, there are 2" Eagletail mewed, padding to the fresh kill pile with Robinpaw.  Robinpaw was the oldest apprentice, her littermates were Kittypets, but she didn't like being confined, so lived as a warrior for a while, but one day found CloudClan.  Eagletail was happy she was in the clan, she was good with the kits and elders, and always tried her best.  She had a stale smell of a Kittypet on her. 
Eagletail grabbed he black bird, and lay down in the clearing with it, beside Robinpaw.  "Thank!" Robinpaw purred.
"No problem, we need to eat, don't we!" He teased.  Robinpaw let out a 'meow' of laughter. "So do you ever miss your littermates?" He asked, then took a big bite out of the black bird.
"Ya, a little, I'll never forget Lily, she always knew I wanted to be free, she helped me escape!" She mewed. Robinpaw took a deep bite of the Black bird.
Eagletail nodded.  "I love my littermate, Frostpool! She always supports me!" He mewed and took another bite of the black bird.
A moon high they finished the blackbird but they still were talking, they talked in till moonhigh. 
"G-goodbye" Robinpaw mewed padding to the apprentices den.
"Goodbye!" Eagletail mewed, leaping into he warriors den.  The lay in his den and slowly drifted into a relaxing sleep.

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