Chapter 5- Lindsay

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I was waiting for the boys to come back from the car with the blankets. I hadn't gone to the bathroom since this morning and I really had To go. I asked my best friend Natalie to help me find a bathroom in this huge creepy place. I was too scared to go alone. 

      "Where do you think it is?" She asked me. I looked around at all of the expensive antique treasures throughout the whole house. It was obviously very old. My eyes drifted to a darkly lit staircase.  

      "Maybe up there?" I said pointing to the staircase. Natalie's eyes got wide.  

      "Okay, if you think so." We were both wearing heels, so we gripped the dusty railing as we slowly escalated up the staircase. We came to the top where there was only one room. I opened the door cautiously to reval a lame same old same old bathroom. One that you'd find in your grandmothers house with the pink twal wallpaper. Oh well okay. I went to sit down on the toilet. 

      "Turn around!" I yelled at Natalie. I was too freaked to stay in there by myself. I just sat there for a few seconds looking around the room when I did a quick double-take. And there in the blurry glass shower I saw a dark ghastly face, its mouth hanging open, staring at me, pressed against the sliding door. I hiked up my pants and screamed "Oh my god! Run!" I grabbed Natalie's hand running down the long staircase as she yelled at me to tell her what going on! What was that thing!? Oh my god! I started screaming for Damian and Cameron. Then when we found them at the front door. I pushed Damian out of the way and grabbed the door handle yanking it open. Why wasn't it opening!? I needed to get out of here!  

      "What's going on!?" Asked Damian, his Irish accent heavy this time. His eyes widened as he watched me pushing the door open as if my life depended on it. Which it just might. 

      "I have no idea! We were in the bathroom and all of a sudden she screamed and dragged me down the stairs!" Said Natalie confused.  

Cameron just stood there awkwardly laughing at me.  

      "WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE FUNNY RIGHT NOW!?" She screamed at him.  

      "I wasn't laughing, I was thinking about how I'm going to kill Damian for making us all come here! As long as this house doesn't do it first!" I finally gave up on the door. It wasn't budging. Then I started to wonder where the others were in this big mess.  

      "Where'd everyone go?" I asked. 

      "Um I don't know, living room?" Damian suggested. I clung to Cameron as we walked around the corner, scared for our lives after what I had just witnessed. We walked into the living room and I scanned the huge room. Sitting on the red velvet couch was Samuel, Marissa in his arms, crying and Bryce trying to comfort her. I looked on the rug to see Mickinleigh looking me in the eyes. There was fear in her eyes, not something you usually witness with Mickinleigh and Hannah sitting next to her, holding her toy whale, Whaleey, to her chest.  

      "What's going on?" Damian asked as we all stood there inspecting everyone's sudden silence. Samuel looked up at Damian.  

      "Theres no way out." He examined in a dull, silent voice.  

      "What do you mean? We can go out the window right?" He asked concerned, I could tell her was feeling guilty for picking the card our group received.  

      "No. They're locked from the outside. We have no idea how it happened, they just shut once you four left the room." He replied. 

      "Any luck with the door?" Hannah asked hopefully. Damian sighed and looked down at his shoes. 

      "No.." he told her. Marissa then started crying louder. Samuel stroked her red hair, trying to keep her calm.  

      "It's okay, it'll be okay" he assured her. Samuel obviously feels deeply for Marissa. She then sat up abruptly and looked him in the eye, wiping the tears from her eyes. 

      "No its not 'okay'! It's not all gonna be 'fine' Samuel! Were trapped in a real life haunted house! And were not getting out any time soon I betcha!" She exclaimed, obviously very scared. Hey, she's not the one who actually SAW a ghost here!  

      "At least ya'll didnt have to see a ghost!" I told them, my lip quivering. Natalie turned towards me.  

      "Lindsay. What happened up there?" Natalie asked her voice cracking with fright. It was complete dark out now, but the lighting in the room actually worked. I looked her in the eyes. 

      " I don't know. I think I saw a ghost, it was in the shower, pressed against the door, and I'm pretty sure it was moaning. It was the scariest thing I've witnessed in my whole life!" I whispered to Damian, Natalie, and Cameron, trying to keep Marissa from hearing, and possibly having a panic attack. Natalie hugged me tightly. I had no idea what was going on here, but I would find a way out, I just had to.

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