10/14/2015 2:00:00

771 12 2

[typing noise]

"Uhm...Ivan Trukkin." The officer said.


Beside the desk, The Officer stared at me. Switching his gaze between me and the lady behind the computer as he sighed.

"Please come with me."

I slowly stood up from the chair and made my way down the hall. The officer fixing his eyes on me with his hand on my back as we walked. I could see threw the windows more people waiting. The only thing I could hear was the sound of our shoes tapping against the tile echo down the hall.

I walked inside the room and sat down. Why am I hear? Everyone else is at school. Why did they decide to interrogate me? They don't think that I was part of this do they?

"Wait right here..."


I heard a click as the door opens and a person with a badge steps in. His eyes search the room and land on me as he slowly closes the door. I looked down at my hands as i merely squirmed in his gaze.

"Ivan, My name is Agent Goldman. How are you doing?"

I glared up at him as I debated in my mind what to say . How does he think I'm feeling? Its not like I was locked up in a school with a chance of Death for 4 days straight.


He pressed his lips in a straight line and shook his head as he pulled out the metal chair and sat on it. I rubbed my hands together then crossed my arms as I leaned back.

"Okay Ivan. I think you know what has been happening in your school-"

"No, please tell me." I snapped at him as I saw him glare at me. "Sorry...continue." I said and he nodded.

"Well. As you know a few weeks ago before school started a jail break was made. 7 people escaped. One of them we believe isn't really well in the head. Could have double personality or bipolar disorder. What we are gonna try to do is go threw what happened since the beginning of the day to see if we can get any clues on what happened. Can you do that?"

I kept my eyes at him a bit pissed off. "How many people are you asking this? You cant possibly revolve around just my perspective." I said and he nodded.

"Actually we are asking some classmates of yours. Uhm Rick, Perla, Elsy,and You. We were also going to ask another classmate-Josh- but as you know..." He trailed off.

"Why are you asking just us? What about the teachers and everyone else?"

"Well everyone else didn't turn on each other and end up attacking a class mate..." He said as I felt my eyes burn up. I dont even know what happened to him. "Okay fine...what do you wanna hear?"

"Just start from the beginning of the day..."


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