10/14/2015 1:54:23

517 6 7


"Hey Ivan!"

I strapped my backpack over my shoulder as I looked over to my best friend Josh.

"Hey Bro. Whats Up?"

"Nothing much...you going to class?" He said as we started walking down the hall. "Perla wanted us to ditch but I said We shouldn't." I said.

"Funny, She told me the same thing..."

I shrugged as we exited the hall and started walking. "Hey! Hey guys wait up!" We heard and exchanged looks. "Should we make a run for it?" Josh said and I shook my head.

"We will see her in class so there is no use running." I said and we turned to see the brunette running towards us. A few papers between her teeth as she put her hair in a pony tail and stuffed the papers in her bag.

"Hey Perla..." Josh moaned and continued walking. "Why how is my baby brother?" She said rubbing his hair and he slapped her hand away. "You saw me this morning...well at least I think you did. You were to busy on the computer." He said as we passed under the bleachers and saw Anthony Dark taking a smoke.

Perla nudged me as her eyes fixed on him. "Look its Anthony..." She said and cleared her voice. "Hey Tony!" She yelled waving and he glanced at her. His hand rose up half way in a waving gesture as we passed.

"Ugh, He is gonna give me a second hand smoke in class. Why does he smoke? When He does his clothes stinks of that stuff." She said and I smirked at her.

"You sure talk bad about a guy you like..."

She punched my arm and I rubbed it playfully. "I don't like him. When I graduate I will be cuffing guys like him." She said and I chuckled as we entered a hall. "Yeah to the bed..." I chuckled.

I ran away and caught up to Josh before she pins me to the wall and stabs me. Perla goes to Heathers locker as we walk inside class. I see it only has a few people inside. We went to our usual spot at the end of the room and sat down.

"So what are you gonna do this weekend?" I asked him as I saw Perla walk in with Heather and another girl. "I usually would do something with Perla on her stuff but she didn't plan anything."

"What do you mean-Perla always plans something for the weekend..." I said as the girls got closer. "Yeah but not this time-weird huh?"

"Hey Guys this is Elsy. She is new to the school." Heather said as they sat down. I looked over to the girl hiding under her hoodie. Her blue eyes looking around as she inspected everyone of us.

"So why did you move?" Perla asked. Her Interrogating part coming out. Elsy's eyes widened in shock a bit as she looked between me and Perla.

"Leave her alone guys its her first day. Im Heather thats Ivan and Josh. I went to school here in freshman year and came back a few weeks ago." Heather said.

The girl relaxed a bit but she still seemed a bit tense. Hmm a new girl...I wonder what mysteries she brings with her. The door opened again and we saw Rick and Erica come in. They were the captains of the football and volleyball team.

"Oh its Erica! I need to go ask her something!" Perla said as she opened her bag. "About what?" I asked as she looked faster in her bag. "Uh...The Tech Group." She took out the papers that were stained with her black lipstick as she stood up. She searched around the room and cursed under her breath.

"Hey do you know where Matt is?"

She said and we shook our heads. Matt was the president of the Tech Group. She made her way to Erica at the middle of last row. "Oh so Heather and Perla had me up all night." He said

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