10/15/2015 1:14:25

171 4 0

"Can I go home now?"

I said once the agent came back in. "Sorry kid but you haven't told me the rest of the story yet..." He said and I glared at him. "Arent you getting it from everybody else?"

"Yes but I need to hear everybody's story and see whos stuck out. Or has a few more details that the others might have missed." He said and gave me a look.

"Uhh...do you have any idea who could be the one? Like...anything stand out?" He said and I looked down at my hands. Hoping they could help. "Actually yeah... Few minutes after what I last told you. Remember that Elsy girl threw her bag? Well a notebook fell out."


"Ey who's is this?" Josh asked standing up. He had a notebook and was flipping threw it. "Let me see..." I said and looked over at the notebook.

"What is that?" I said looking at the edgy sketches. They looked faded and there were a lot of them in the notebook. "Oh those are IEDs...two types out of the three." Tony said and the notebook was ripped out of Josh's hand.

"Thats mine..." Elsy said getting the notebook and stuffing it in her bag. I looked over at Tony that had a glare on Elsy. She was squirming under his gaze as I asked.

"What are IEDs?"

"Bomb...three types. The type that are in a suitcase or can be carried around the ones that are vest and strap to a person and the ones that go in cars or stuff and can blow up buildings. She had two types." He said and we all turned to her.

"Y-you aren't thinking what I think you are? Im not that student I barely got here!" She said as we all closed in on her. "Was it a coincidence that it was the exact day of the lockdown?" Heather said snapping her fingers lightly and Elsy stared at her.

"They told me to draw these-" she started. "Who told you?" Heather asked and Elsy shook her head. " Why don't you ask him how he knows what they are? I didn't even know they where EIDs..." She said.

"IEDs" Matt corrected and she nodded. "How do you know what they are?" Rick asked him and he switched his glare from Elsy to all of us. "Are you fucking serious? Now your pointing fingers at me?" He asked.

"Why are you dodging the question?" Josh asked and Tony turned to him. "Im not dodging anything. I just find it stupid that now the focus is redirected to me!" He said.

"Anyways I know alot of things. But if you want to know about bombs ask Them..." He said pointing at Erica Perla and Matt. Their eyes widened and they exchanged looks. Matt pushed up his glasses and flicked the side as he sat up straighter. "Why are you looking over here?" He asked.

"Us?" Erica asked.

"Yeah you guys..." He said. "What was Perla discussing with you guys that was so secret?" He asked and their eyes widened. Josh then grabbed at Perlas bag. "Josh give me that back!"

He opened the bag up as Tony got a hold of her. "Let me go thats my stuff!" She yelled and he put a hand over her. Josh pulled the black lipstick stained papers and skimmed them. "Let me see..." I said and he gave them to me.

Papers on BLU-82? Bomb activation? What the hell is this? Is this what she was so secretive about? Bomb triggers. How to deactivate one? How to make one... What was this for?

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