10/15/2015 00:54:21

116 4 10

Agent Goldman looked down at the 6 names before him. He wanted to find out who it was before they were sent back to school on Monday. He has to listen to just two more kids...the stories all made him go suspicious towards one particular kid. He just needed to talk to a few more to clear his theory up.


"Erica...so tell me what else happened..." He said  as Erica scratched her nail against the metal table. "What else do you want to know? Thats all I remember...that hit on my head doesnt help either."

"Well...a lot of the others said they saw you and Rick have a argument. What was that about?"He asked watching as her hand stopped scratching the table. He could see her tense up as she crossed her hands and leaned back.

"Just Problems we had..."

Agent tapped the table as he looked at the brunette avoiding his eyes. "Details Miss Morgan...I need to know everything that happened. Or else my suspisions will increase towards you." He said squinting at her.

"Fine...we had some issues before. He wouldn't show to either mines of some of his games. He told me not to worry about it. I have no fucking idea what is wrong with him. He is fucking sick. I don't know what I ever saw in him..." She said and he nodded.

"What was he doing that was so sick...was it illegal?"

"Damn right it was...you ever heard of Illegal Bitch fights?" She said looking up at him and he nodded. "Yes when they use female bulldogs. Because they are more vicious right?" He said and she shook her head.

"Well you got the vicious part right...Thing is he would get text when the next fight was. I knew about it for a few weeks. But the sick part was what they would do with the loosing bitch. And he got a text saying to go get her at her house." She said and shook her head a tear going down her face.


"Rick...turn around."

He set his bag of chips down as I took in a breath and let it go. "I told you many times...that what you do at the Bitch Games is sick and to quit it." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You saw the text didn't you. And I told you it wasn't your business. "He said and I clenched my fist. "They told you to go pick up a loosing girl at 3852 Lake St..." I said and he stopped his eye roll as he recognized my address.

"Did you seriously offer a few bucks to my sister?" I hissed at him. I pushed him by the shoulders making him hit the shelf behind him. "She wanted some money and she agreed, she new what would happen if she lost." He said and I slapped him.

"She is fucking 15! And related to me-your girlfriend! And after school you were going to take her so they rape her? You have got to-"

"Its not rape if she isn't against it..."

"Are you fucking serious? How could you! You are Sick Rick! Sick!" Tears in my eyes as Rick stared back at me. "Dont you fucking tell me what I am! You shut up-Unless you want them thinking its me instead of Josh!" Rick hissed grabbing a handful of My hair and stormed away.

I stared back at Rick's trail, burning eyes as I shook my head. "You just chose the wrong person to betray on the wrong fucking day!" I muttered and left it.

Tears were going down my face as I decided not to go sit where I was. I went and sat next to Matt instead. He wasn't one to judge incase I broke down in front of him.

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