10/15/2015 00:015:07

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Josh got up to use the restroom. When Ivan wasn't looking I got his phone. He is such a idiot...0000. I sent off the email to Perla. I had already used Ivan's phone to send the message To The new girl.

They wont ever Know Its me.


"You were the one that sent those emails?"


Everybody was turning on each other. It was perfect. The stupid vest was killing me...they dont see anything...maybe I can take it off. I took it off and slipped it inside A backpack. I looked at them as they discussed and then they stopped and turned to me.

Shoot did they catch me?



I hurried to hide Elsy between the machines. I saw Benny walk slowly closer to us. What do I do if he sees us? Elsy will suspect something. He turned around and I brought my fist up hitting him in the nose. I looked down at him and winced as he looked at me with rage.

"Sorry Benny"


It was night and everyone  was asleep. I am tired of this. Ill just get my phone and set the stupid bomb off. I stood up and walked towards the stack. I looked threw desperatly and then a someone caught my wrist.

That was a mistake.

"Dont do it Heather..." Josh said and I tried to free my self. "Let me go-" i said and he pulled me down. "No...you are not killing them." He said and my eyes widened. "How did you-"

"You were the only one that could do all of these things...stop it or I will wake everyone up and tell them" He said and I reached for a pen. "You cant tell them if your dead-"

I looked down at him and dropped the pencil. I looked down at my self and put on a hoodie. "Josh? Josh oh my god who did this two you?" His torso was full of bloody holes it was horrible! I started crying. Why would they do that two him. Who would have done that? It was probably rick. Yes yes it was him. I saw rick stabbing him.

"Heather whats wrong?"

"Look what Rick did to Josh!"


Heather was in chains as Agent Goldman Looked at her. He should have known...her tick gave it all away. He saw her smirking at him from under her hair as he saw her stop before him

"Its all over now, Heather. Thanks to you the kids at your school are now safe."


"Just because you solved it in time, doesnt mean you fixed the crime."


"What are you trying to tell me Miss Heather?" He said as she chuckled and he stepped closer to her. "We clearly said that if we got caught...that bomb would blow sky high." She said and they took her away. He stood there frozen and then snapped.

"Call The HighSchool and tell them to Evacuate! Now!"


I walked into the auditorium and sat down in the seat. This time it was a real assembly. The Principal walked up to the stage and called silence and everyone went quiet.

"Okay this assembly is about the event that happened not to long ago we will be watching a video on School Lockdowns. Everyone please be quiet while the video starts." She said and the lights all went off and whispers were heard.

All of a sudden a projector turned on and  a big old fashion movie countdown started as giggles were heard. I saw the teachers start to whisper and a cop talk with the principal. My eyes went up to the screen.


"We need everyone to stay calm this is not a drill!"


"Everybody evacuate Now!"


"Quickly and orderly!"



Thank you for reading School Lockdown! This story plot was by my sister @cathie71103! I just wrote it and posted it and made everything be cooler. Hehe.


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