10/15/2015 1:03:59

176 5 6

"Wait...you guys had a ticking bomb? Why didnt you tell us? Is it still on campus?" He said standing up and I rolled my eyes.

"Actually , Tony and Perla deactivated it. Tony had done one before and Perla had studied those papers so they stopped it." I said as he sighed and ran his hand down his face.

"You kids could have blown the whole school. If there is any explosive device you immediately call the authorities so they can-" He started and I stood up. Throwing the chair behind me and slamming my hands on the table.

"Kids were at gun point. The police couldn't set a god damn foot in the forsaken school how the fuck did you expect us to react when there was a fucking bomb just ticking to set off!" I yelled at him. He sent me a calm down glare and I shook my head.

"Anyways before they actually went to deactivate it drama happened in there. The things and the stress we had. " I said calming down as I got the chair and sat down. Running my hands threw my hair as I shook my head.


A Vibrating sound came from the stack of phones. We all jumped and even a muffled yelp came out of one of the girls...or Rick. Im not sure. But Erica took up the courage to look at the phones. After staring at it for a long time she tapped a button and shut it off.

"What was it?" I asked and she turned to me. "An Alert..." She said and leaned back glancing At Rick that was listening to Matt explain something to him and Elsy.

I looked over at Perla that was staring at Josh with swollen eyes from crying. She was sitting next to Tony and was muttering things as their eyes switched from between josh and the two bombs.

"How long do you think we will be here?" I heard and saw Heather sitting a few feet next to me. I took a deep breath and looked in her Dark Brown eyes. "I don't know...lets just hope nothing goes wrong." I said

"Do you really think its Josh? I mean...yeah he had that stuff. But maybe its not just him. Or maybe Perla framed him. Or maybe Elsy...what about her? I mean...my head is so confused. I don't want to die here Ivan...It could be anybody. It could be Them most likely Tony or Elsy...I don't think Matt or Erica. Rick is to dumb to do this stuff but then again he is dumb enough to do this. It could be you it could be me for all I know I don't know Ivan Im so scared I don't know what to do..." She said breaking down.

I hesitantly put a hand on her back and rubbed in circles to calm her down. "Just calm down Heather...hopefully everything will be okay. Just don't go mental...its like already past 4 O'clock maybe we should eat something." I said and I stood up and helped her up too.

We walked to the back of the room were the snacks were left. I heard hushed whispers as we got closer. Heather gave me a look with her big Doe eyes and We stepped closer.

"Are you fucking serious? How could you! You are Sick Rick! Sick!" I heard and looked threw the shelves of the storage to see Erica and Rick. Tears in her eyes as Rick stared at her. "Dont you fucking tell me what I am! You shut up-Unless you want them thinking its me instead of Josh!" Rick hissed grabbing a handful of Erica's hair and storming past us.

She stared back at Rick's trail his burning eyes as she shook her head. "You just chose the wrong person to betray on the wrong fucking day!" She hissed and passed us. They were probably to busy to notice us.


Agent Goldman stood up and nodded at the stressed out teen leaning on the Table. The kid had done good so far. All of the stories are basically the same so far.

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