10/14/2015 1:33:48

226 6 0

His phone rang making me jump in my seat. I looked up at him and I gave him a glare as he took his phone out and silenced it. "Sorry about that...what happened?" He said and I kept my glare on him.

"That Happened..." I said and he nodded his head. "So you were locked in your class room with-4-5-6- 7 people in the room. What are their names?" He asked and I took a breath in.

"Anthony, Rickard, Erica, Mathew, Heather, Joshua, Elsy and me." I said and he flipped threw the papers. His mind working as he read some. "Oh I see that two of them have a record...we will have a word with the rest of them." He said as he stood up.

"Record? Like a criminal record?" I asked. I expect Anthony to have a record, I saw the police took him away once on a weekend before...but who else? I don't think Perla and Heather have one. And especially Joshua and Mathew. But what about Erica Elsy and Rick?

"Yes like that...give me a minute please."

Shoot. Now I got more people in this. Maybe then they can find the student After almost exactly a minute he came back. I had just stared at the paper itching to see who it was. "Okay conti-"

"Who else had the criminal record...I mean I know Anthony has one...who else?" I asked and he cleared his throat and sat up straighter. "Sorry kid but I cant tell you that. Classified stuff." He said as I cursed under my breath. Of course its classified.

"Okay Continue..."


I had my hand firmly over Heather's mouth as we saw the shadow stay still. The phone flashed and rang. My heart I felt either was beating to fast that I couldn't feel it or had stopped. The phone was face down but still I could see it flash in the dim class room as I held my breath hoping he doesnt see us.

We heard a knock and then heard the handle move. We all took a silent gasp as we saw the shadow move. Then the handle moved more viciously as the guy released it seeing it was locked. The phone finally shut off and the shadow moved away.

I saw them relax but Tony gave us all a glare that told us it wasn't over. "There is no one there come on lets go!" We heard and then footsteps leave.

"Great their-" Tony put his hand over ricks mouth and gave him a glare that almost killed him. "I didn't hear the doors shut..." He whispered and put his hand down.

He was right. Those hall doors were really loud. Even if you shut them softly the clock would click the heavy doors shut and make a loud noise. We heard two shots being fired outside the door and nearly everyone jumped.

We all stayed still as the shadow peeked threw the door window again and sighed. "Na they aren't here...we would have heard them by now."

"They already checked the whole school. I those kids are gone." We heard as it fainted away. "Yeah...we have enough with the rest of the school anyways."

The click of the opening door was heard and the two voices faded away as the loud slam was heard. We looked at Tony for reassurance and he nodded as we slowly stood up. "Want me to go check?" Josh said and Perla grabbed his arm.

"Yeah" Erica said as he walked over to the door and peeked threw the window. He reached for the handle and opened it as we all sucked in a breath and he peeked out.

He opened the door more and stepped out I reached out to grab him but I didn't get him. I caught the door and opened it half way as I saw him look into all of the doors of this hall. "Josh what are you doing?" I asked as he came back and we slowly closed the door.

"Well they could have hidden in a class and waited until they saw us turn the light on." He said and I nodded. I saw Rick give Heather her phone back.

School Lock DownWhere stories live. Discover now