Chapter 2

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{Word Count: 1078}

I was writing in my notebook when a wave of uncertainty hit me, I looked up quickly, I made a quick once over of the room. Something wasn't right, I could feel it, I looked over at Liam and he was on his phone. He didn't seem to be paying attention very well, I turned my attention back to the board. She was going on and on about some book the class just read. I looked down at my notebook and rested my chin in my hand, mindlessly doodling away. I was running my hand over the pencil marks and looked down. It was a tree, branches drawn to the edge of the paper, but I drew flames all over the tree. I flipped the page and put it under my notebook and  looked up to try to pay attention to the teacher. The bell rang through my ears, I closed my notebook and put it in my backpack along with the pencil. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and then putting the other arm through. I turned around, almost flinching back due to Liam standing right in front of me.

"Sorry, here let me see your schedule," he said holding his hand out.

I reached the paper out of my pocket and gave it to him. He looked it over before handing it back.

"Alright, we have the same math but your in AP US Historyand thats up stairs, we have math now so just follow me," he smiled, leading me out the door.

We were about two steps out the door when I heard someone yell Liam from what sounded like all the way down the hall. Liam's head shot to his left and focused on someone that I couldn't see.

"Liam," the voice was closer, but I swore it was a different voice.

"What?" He asked.

I looked over to see two people, taller than Liam with brown hair and brown eyes, but they weren't similar enough to be twins, they were far from actually.

"Who's this?" The one on my right asked.

"This is Olympia, she's new," Liam informed, "that's Scott and Stiles."

"Hello," I gave a slight wave.

Scott smiled and said hello and Stiles didn't say much besides giving me a wave.

"We've got a situation," Scott raised his eyebrows when saying situation.

"Oh, Uhm," he looked at me and back at them, "how serious?"

"Serious," Scott glanced over at me in a quick glance then back on Liam.

They just did the same thing, what is even happening.

"Alright I'm getting the hint, cya later Dunbar," I said backing away and turning to leave.

"Wait!" Liam stopped me, I turned around to look at him, "you'll get that tour."

He sent me off with a wink, or at least I think, he could've just been blinking. I smiled and turned down the hall getting out my schedule to look at the map. Finding my way through the school and to math, trying to evade people at the same time, though getting hit with backpacks is my forte.

-After Math-

I got out of class, I believe it was my lunch time. I wasn't too sure, I looked down at my schedule studying it thoroughly, and but the time I looked up I was even more confused then when I started looking at it.

"Hey, are you lost?" A voice dragged me out of my thoughts.

I looked up meeting the eyes of a long dark haired girl.

"Yeah, I don't know if I'm supposed to be in lunch right now or not," I said, looking back down at schedule.

"Here let me see," she held out her hand.

I gave her the paper and she smiled and gave it back.

"Yeah you're in lunch right now, c'mon you can sit with me and some of my friends, I'm Kira by the way, you?"

"Olympia," I nodded following her through the halls.

"My friends rarely get to meet a whole lot of new people, so hopefully they won't mind a fresh face," she joked.

"Hopefully," I smiled.

I followed her out to the patio for people to sit at outside and I recognized the four immediately as we approached. Scott, Stiles, Mason and Liam. There were a few I didn't recognize, one with short blonde-ish brown hair and then also a girl with long strawberry blonde hair.

"Olympia these are my friends, Scott, Stiles, Liam, Mason, Malia, and Lydia," she introduced.

"Olympia, that's a cool name," Lydia commented.

"Thanks, I've kinda met those four already," I said, gesturing to Liam and his squad.

"Yeah, come sit down," Lydia patted the seat next to her.

I smiled and took the seat, "so what grade are you in Olympia?"

"I am a freshman," I said, opening my water bottle.

"Where are you from?" Scott asked.

"Beacon Hills, born here," I took a sip.

"Ah, so why didn't you come to beacon hills high before now?" Malia asked.

I almost coughed up my water, coming up with a quick excuse other than, 'oh I was in eichenhouse for seven years!'

"Homeschooled," I said, clearing my throat.

"Why did your mom just all the sudden change her mind?" Stiles asked.

"She uhm, had to start working more shifts at wherever she works at and needed me to go to school school," I shrugged hoping he'd buy it.

"Ah, well Liam and Mason here, they're freshmen too," Stiles said.

"Yeah, Liam and Mason are both in my first hour," I nodded, biting into the apple I packed for lunch.

"Yeah Ms. Rose so bought her story this morning, did Liam ever give you that tour?" Mason asked.

"No, he got distracted," I said, taking another bite of my apple.

"Yeah, sorry about that, it wasn't even actually important," Liam looked over at the two who shrugged.

I finished off my apple and got up and threw away the core.

"I've gotta get going, I have to find my history class before class actually starts, nice meeting you guys," I smiled.

"Here, I'm done anyway, I'll walk you," Liam offered, throwing away the trash left over from his food.

He situated his backpack and Scott whispered something in Liam's ear.

Shady much?

"C'mon," he motioned for me to follow him into the school.

I shuffled into the school and put my hand on the door to hold it open after Liam entered.

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