Chapter 7

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I sobbed quietly, sitting in the sheriffs office of the police station, my hands were covered in her blood still. I couldn't get the picture of he scythe going through her. I was shaking, I blinked away the tears.

"Olympia, isn't it?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"Yes sir," I said, looking at my shaking hands.

"Could you explain to me, what happened?" He asked.

I looked up at him, "I'm not entirely sure, I woke up and saw my mom right by the staircase, when something shiny went right through her," I winced at the thought.

"It's alright, take your time," he said.

"By the time I got to the bottom of the staircase.." I swallowed thickly, and tried to blink back more tears.

I was fidgeting the the ends of my hair, blood staining the ends when the blood on my hands was wet.

"Excuse me for a second," he had this look on his face, like a not again look.

He left the office, I looked out the window and saw Stiles and Scott standing and talking to him. That's when I met his eye contact, my eyes went wide, and I turned away.

Next thing I knew, sheriff had let Stiles and Scott in.

"Olympia," Stiles looked at me.

"I'm okay," I stated, shifting in my seat.

"Do you have any other family?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"I have a brother in England, he couldn't care less and a dad who is no where to be found," I informed.

"Dad, she needs to stay somewhere," Stiles said.

"I know, Stiles."

"Maybe she could stay with us?" Scott offered.

"Dude," Stiles and Scott exchanges a few whispers

"Oh, right.." Scott nodded at the end.

"How about she stays with us?" Sheriff Stilinski proposed.

"Oh, I couldn't, I don't want to intrude or anything," I tried denying.

"I think that's the best idea my dad has ever come up with, no offense, we have an extra room, it could be yours, for a low price of one Star Wars marathon," Stiles smiled.

"I-" I sighed, realizing I couldn't win this one, "okay."

"Perfect, c'mon, we can take you back to your house in the morning," Stiles said.

I nodded, Stiles out his hand on my back, and rubbed small circles. We made our way out to the jeep, Scott said goodbye and hopped on his motorcycle. I get into the jeep and leaned my head against the window.

"I can run you a shower when we get home, and then wash your clothes, you don't have to go to school tomorrow, tomorrow morning we can run by your house and pick up some clothes," he said focusing on the road.

"Okay," I said quietly.

-at the Stilinski house-

I stood in the bathroom etching Stiles explain how to turn it on and off, and then what shampoo was his.

"Alright? Here's a towel, I'll be in my room doing homework," he said handing me a dark blue towel.

I nodded and he smiled at me, "oh! And my moms old hairbrush is in this drawer, we've left it because my aunt likes to come over for holiday sometimes."

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