Chapter 28

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{Word Count: 1312}

I was stuck in a car with Lydia and Stiles, I decided to sit in the back and observe the new couple. They exchanged glances a few times as we drove down a busy road. I diverted my attention to outside at passing cars, zoning out almost completely. Stiles turned the jeep into the drive way, I sighed getting out of the jeep and finding refuge inside the house. I plopped down on the couch pulling my converse off. I heaved a sigh when Lydia say down next to me, glancing at her for a second. I reached for the remote turning on the TV and watching whatever came on.

"C'mon Olympia, why won't you talk to us?" Lydia sighed.

"Because fictional people don't disappoint me."

"How did we disappoint you?" Stiles asked.

I rolled my eyes, "it doesn't matter."

I hugged and leaned against the couches arm, resting head against my arm. My eyes trained on the tv screen, I felt the couch even out as Lydia got up. Dr. House was rattling on about some disease on the screen of the tv. I heard the two of them having some sort of conversation. I heard thunder go off in the distance, rain began to fall, it started out slow. Eventually it looked like night outside, and it was pelting against the windows. I got up and turned the tv off, Lydia and Stiles must've went upstairs. The screen door flew open and hit against the house, I jumped, rushing to the front door and opening it. There was nothing there, no one, thunder cracked in the distance, making me flinch back.


I searched the lawn for anyone standing out there. I took a step out into the pouring rain, the door slamming closed behind me. My bare feet cause the water to spatter outwards. I was drenched from head to toe in rainwater. A shadow moved out of the corner of my eye, looking towards the street light, and approached it slowly.

"Find it"

I walked slowly, following where my feet were taking me, rain hitting my skin, my feet were frozen. I blinked when I found myself outside of the school. I approached the door and swing it open, the mats were soaked with water, I walked through the school, entering the pool area. I looked up, my eyes spotted a body hanging from the ceiling.

~Stiles' POV~

"Olympia?" I yelled, hopping down the stairs, to notice she wasn't on the couch, but he TV still on.

I ran back up stairs checking her room and she wasn't there either.

"Lydia, Olympia is gone," I said peeking into my room.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" She got up from my desk, moving over to me.

"She's not here," I panicked, sliding my shoes on, and grabbing my keys.

My ears perked up at the echoing of a shrill scream, definitely from far away.

"Lydia," I looked at her.

"I heard her," she was putting her flats on.

~Olympia's POV~

I shuttered, my teeth chattered, there was a body floating, face down in the pool, my eyes were blown wide. One second it was lifeless the next, his head snapped up to look at me. He he bags under his eyes, and his skin was pale, his lips were cracked. I gasped backing up away from the water.

"They killed me, Olympia."

The voice echoed through my head, the doors to the pool bursted open. I quickly turned to look, Scott, Kira and Malia stood there looking at me. I turned back around, the body was floating lifelessly.

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