Chapter 23

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{Word Count: 1034}

I sat quietly on the hospital bed, Melissa looking at the wound on my head. She started dabbing this liquid on it.

"Ow," I yanked my head away.

"Stop moving."

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Well you won't need stitches, that's for sure, though you're gonna wanna be careful when showering so you don't reopen the wound," she said.

"Awesome, can I go now?"

"Yes, Sheriff Stilinski wants to take you home," She commented, throwing away her gloves.

"Alright, thanks."

I hopped off the bed and exited the room, she was right, Sheriff Stilinski sat asleep on the nearest chair.

"Sheriff?" I tried waking him up.

I tried Stilinski a few times but came up dry, starting to get semi-annoyed I did what I thought would react to next.


He flinched up, I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me, with a sigh he stood up.

"I almost thought you were Stiles."

I rolled my eyes, "can we go home?"

"Yeah, of course."

He got up and we made our way out of the hospital. There were some workings bringing in glass, I shivered at the memory. Once we got in the car, Sheriff Stilinski started explaining how after he dropped me off he would have to go back to the station but he'd be back around 10. I nodded in agreement, scrolling through Instagram on my phone. I sighed, boredom taking over, setting my phone in my lap, I leaned over to look out the window.

"You still have to learn how to drive don't you?" He asked.

I perked up, "yeah, they don't really offer drivers ed to the insane."

"I could have Stiles teach you, or maybe Lydia and Kira can help you, since they're still working on teaching Malia," He took a turn.

"Yeah, I suppose," I nodded.

He came to a stop outside the house, "the door should be unlock, as far as I know Stiles is home."

I nodded, getting out of the car, I noticed Lydia's car, and Scotts motorbike. I walked up to the door, shimmying it open. Stepping inside and pulled my boots off, and leaning on the door to close it. I looked over to see the three of them talking, Scott and Kira sat on the floor, Lydia and Stiles were leaning against each other on the couch. I half-heartedly rolled my eyes, pushing off the door and going to retreat to my room. Though my plan was foiled when Lydia squealed my name.

"Hey," I greeted quietly.

She rushed over and enveloped me in a hug, squeezing me. I smiled, rubbing her back before pulling away.

"I'm actually kinda tired," I paused meeting Stiles' gaze, "I think I'm just gonna go sleep."

I made my retreat back up to my room, flopping onto my bed. I sighed into the comforter, I reached for my phone in my pocket.

"Crap," I muttered, I had left it in Sheriff Stilinski's car.

I groaned, rolling over to look up at my ceiling, deciding I wanted to watch I movie I reached for my laptop. I lifted it onto my lap, quickly turning it on and decided I wanted to watch Dirty Dancing.

After about two hours, and the movie was over, I closed my laptop and put it on the edge of my bed. I stretched out and made my way downstairs. Stiles was sitting in front of the tv watching Star Wars; The Empire Strikes Back. I sighed heavily, opening the refrigerator, only to decide there was nothing good. So instead I grabbed my backpack and pulled out my algebra homework. Setting up in the counter and trying to to the stupid equations.

Letters don't belong in math, it's math, math means numbers.

I rolled my eyes, face-planting into my book and letting out a low groan. I huffed, picking up my head to look over at the tv, Stiles was no longer sitting in front of.

That's strange, I didn't hear him move.

A glass clanked against the marble of the counter, causing me to squeak. I nearly fell out of my chair, that wouldn't be been great.

"Normal people make noises when they move, so they don't give other people heart attacks," I stated bluntly.

"Sorry," he muttered.

That's sour, who gave him Crappios for breakfast?


I snapped my eyes back to my book, "nothing," I uttered.

"It's something," he stated, clearly annoyed by something I did.

I rolled my eyes, "nothing, Stiles."

"What made you so stubborn all the sudden?"

"What made you so crappy?!" I shot back.

"I am not crappy."

He folded his arms over his chest, glaring down at me.

"You kinda are."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes at me, turned around to place the empty glass in the sink.

"We're back to ignoring me, is that it?" I stated under my breath.

"I'm not ignoring you, if I was ignoring you, I wouldn't be talking to you right now."

"You didn't say one word to me up until now, when we left the pipe lines, the ride to the hospital was silent, and you won't even mention the fact-"

"The fact that we what? We kissed, so what."

I felt a pang in my chest, "you're the one who kissed me, Stiles, not the other way around."

"Maybe it was a mistake," he muttered, barely audible.

"Was hurting me while you were possessed not enough for you, Stiles? I was trying to get away from you, you could've just let me go! Why didn't you just let me go if this was how you were going to act about it!" I yelled, nearly screamed, getting up and walking over to him.

"You do not get to mess with my feelings, Stiles Stilinski!" I pointed at him, so infuriated I could slap him.

"Whoa!" Another voice intervened, "calm down, stop yelling, you're going to wake up the neighbors."

"I don't even care at this point," I rolled my eyes turned around but was met with quite the surprise.


My heart nearly stopped beating in my chest, my eyes scanned the tall, blonde haired, middle-aged man.


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