Chapter 6

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{Word Count: 1220}

-Olympia's POV-

"That's so not a dread doctor!"
I yelled, barely dodging its scythe.

I had screamed just moments ago hopefully someone heard me. I scrambled up and ran away from it. I turned around for half a second and it was not letting me get away, it's hold on the scythe was deadly. My eyes went wide as it brought its weapon up, ready for it to come crashing down. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes ready for impact when I felt arms wrap around me and pull me away, just as the scythe whipped through the making a horrible noise as it hit he ground. I turned around to see Liam.

"Run!" His hand intertwined with mine as we rushed up the stairs.

I could hear my heartbeat, and feel it in my finger tips. I took a deep breath, squeezing Liam's hand. He swiftly picked me up but the waist, and set me a few steps above him him so I was in front of him. His entire face changed, he definitely looked a bit more wolfy, but also a lot scarier. Once we got to the top I saw Stiles and Scott.

"What was it? Was it a dread doctor?" Stiles asked, pulling us in. I was out of breath.

"N-" I paused, "no."

"Well the what was it?" Scott asked.

"I don't know, but it's really creepy," I sighed.

My lungs felt like they were on fire, I threw my hands over my head and rested them on top of each other, opening my lungs.

"Are you alright?" Scott asked.

"Just," breath "can't," breath "breathe."

I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, when I started to hear my heartbeat again. It was slower than it was before, but focusing on it, I didn't realize I was falling over. I snapped my eyes open, balancing on one foot before finally fully balancing.

"I should get going, I'll see you guys later, Stiles can you–"

"Give you a ride?" He finished for me, jingling his keys in his hand.

"You're a lifesaver," I smiled.

"Hey!" Liam yelled, offended.

"Thank you Liam, I thought it went without saying, seriously, I think you would have found me dead if you didn't show up," I said.

"Of course," Liam nodded.


"Yup?" He asked.

"C'mon," I said, walking out.

Once we got in the jeep, he turned his headlights on and started driving to your house.

"So who do you live with?" Stiles asked.

"My mom," I said.

"No dad– sorry I realize how that sounded.." Stiles laughed awkwardly.

"No it's fine, I haven't seen him since I was–" I stopped, shuttering at the reminder of that time in my life, "eight."

"Oh, he just left?"

"He got mad my mom, for um," I stopped mid sentence, "take a right up at this intersection."

"For what?" He asked, looking at me as we came to a stop.

"I can't really remember," I shrugged.

"It must've been something pretty bad," he said, taking the right.

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