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To Caroline, the mansion was beautiful and much nicer then the castle she grew up in. It was decorated with small details and hidden passageways, with ivy growing throughout parts of the house to create a jungle type of look. So when it suddenly started to snow inside, Caroline paid no attention but when the scream of the young queen and the roar of a lion filled the knights ears, she instantly panicked, running towards Lucy's frantic voice.

"Lucy, are you okay? I heard screams and then a roar. I'm not going crazy," Caroline breathed out, her arms being thrown around.

Lucy shook her head, opening her mouth to reply but she stopped, her eyes staying glued to the ladder that was moving as an elderly man slowly started to appear in front of them.

Caroline sighed in defeat, "Now I'm going crazy,".

The elderly man turned to face the young queen and knight, a confused look crossing his face before he introduced himself as Coriakin.

"You live here, in this amazing mansion by yourself?" Caroline questioned.

"Well yes, along with the dufflepuds," Coriakin answered.

"The what?" Caroline replied.

"Those invisible creatures that brought us here, correct?" Lucy suggested.

Coriakin nodded, instructing the girls to follow him back outside, where they found the dufflepuds – who were now visible – were threatening the kings and crew members.

"Professor. Professor," the dufflepuds echoed.

The kings turned to face the professor, queen and knight, smiled spreading across their face, "Lucy. Caroline,".

"Your majesty's," Coriakin bowed.

"Caspian and Edmund, this is Coriakin. It's his island," Lucy informed.

"That's what he thinks," A dufflepud interjected, "You have wronged us, Magician,".

"I have not wronged you, I made you invisible for your own protection," Coriakin corrected.

"Protection? That's oppressed," The dufflepud continued.

"I did not press you. Now be gone," Coriakin replied, throwing a dust.

Caroline tilted her head to the side in confusion, causing a laugh to escape Edmund's mouth as he looked at her in admiration. Caspian turned to the two, rolling his eyes before paying attention to the professor, who was leading them back inside.


Coriakin was taking the kings, queen, captain and knight through the mansion to show them his office, which held the map of Narnia.

"What did you mean, you made them invisible for their own good?" Lucy asked.

"It seemed the easiest way to protect them – from the evil," Coriakin said.

"You mean the mist?" Edmund replied.

"That giant green fog?" Caroline added.

Coriakin allowed the group to enter the office, "I mean what lies behind the mist,".

Caroline stated at the room in awe, watching as the professor laid out a map and it came to life, the paintings on it moving while the map popped out into a 3D form.

"It's quite beautiful," Eustace whispered, "I mean for a make believe map of a make believe world,".

Caroline looked at the paintings, "It's the war, the one with the White Witch. Look how detailed it is,".

Edmund shifted uncomfortable, causing Caroline to apologise and step away, lowering her gaze in embarrassment.

"This seems to be the source of your troubles," Coriakin started, "The Dark Island, a place where evil lurks. It can take any form, it can make your darkest dreams come true, it seeks to corrupt all goodness,".

"How do we stop it?" Lucy inquired.

"You must break it's spell. That sword you carry, high king, there are six others like it," Coriakin stated.

"Have you seen them?" Edmund asked.

Coriakin nodded, "Yes,".

"The six lords, they passed through here?" Caspian said.

"Indeed," Coriakin replied.

"Where were they headed?" Caspian questioned.

"Where I sent them – " Coriakin started.

" – that's specific," Caroline intervined.

"Continuing, to break the spell, you must follow the blue star, to Rondevu Island. There, the seven swords must be laid on Aslan's table, but beware, you are all about to be tested," Coriakin warned.

"That's sound great," Caroline mocked.

"Until you lay down the seven swords, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in it's power to tempt you. Be strong. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself," Coriakin explained.

Caroline sighed, "So, the blue star it is?".

A/N: The next chapter is going to mostly be a filler full of cute Edoline moments because not much happens in that scene.

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