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The Dawn Treader was getting closer to the Dark Island, everyone on board preparing for battle and changing into armour. Caroline – who hadn't said a word to anyone – was in her old room with Lucy and Gael, while Caspian and Edmund were in the kings room.

Caspian spoke up, "I want you to know that if we don't get through – whatever this is, that I think of you as my brother,".

"Me too," Edmund nodded.

"Lucy told me why my sister was upset last night. I think you should talk to her," Caspian sighed, "And tell her everything,".

"After today, I'll probably be going back to England. How am I suppose to tell her everything and then tell her that I'm leaving?" Edmund replied.

"I do not know," Caspian said, giving him a distraught look.

The two kings were soon back out on the deck. Caroline tightened her armour, walking up to the tip of the of the ship and whistling, Eustace soon flying down next to her, the knight grabbed on to the dragon and hoisted herself up, ignoring the shouts from her brother and the high king.

"Are you sure, your majesty?" Reepicheep asked.

"I'm not a queen – I'm a knight, that means I fight and protect. And I can do as a I please, now go," Caroline remarked.

Eustace gave a low growl in response, flying away from the ship and entering the Dark Island. The Dawn Treader was closely behind them.

Caroline suddenly gasped, the feeling of claustrophobia surrounding her as a green mist swam around her, the reflecting imagine of herself appearing in front of her.

"You're going to kill all of them,"

"No," Caroline mumbled, "Leave me alone,".

"Come on, you've always known you were never meant to be good. Be like your uncle, a killer,".

"No," Caroline cried.

Reepicheep glanced at the knight, "Are you alright?".

"I'm fine, keep going," Caroline replied.

"Kill them, you know you want to. You remember when you use to kill – you enjoyed it,".

Caroline tightly closed her eyes, trying to get rid of the voice in her head and coughing due to the intake of mist. Caroline screamed – her hands becoming a tinted red and bodies dropping from above her, but it was in her head, she just couldn't get rid of it. The mist disappears at her sudden outburst and caused the kings and queen on the ship to panic. It was suddenly clear now why Caroline's nightmares were herself, she was scared of becoming who her uncle wanted her to be; a killer.

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