I Don't Care

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Soooo I guess I lied....decided to stop the chapter short (it was a good ending spot) so I could update tonight/this morning!! Hope you enjoy



I woke up the next morning, jumped in the shower and did my morning routine. Mari had texted me to make sure I was up. As I heard voices downstairs. It sounded like Cam and Mac. They were probably over for breakfast per usual.

I had on a pair of jeans, white tank top with my grey sweater on top and my chestnut UGGs. Well my one boots 😑

I grabbed my phone and keys and made my way downstairs to wait for Mari. When I got downstairs it was smelling good. I knew my mother had chefed it up.

"Hey Nana" Mac said walking out the living room.


"You alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you know, after last night"

Yep, I'm cool. I ain't stressin' over that. I'm over it" I said.

"Well, uh Tasia's here"

"Why you telling for?" I said starting for the kitchen with Mac trailing behind.

"I just wanted to let you know so you won't be mad"

I looked back at him and keep walking."She ain't here for me, what I'm gon be mad for? I ain't stopping her from coming here. This your mother's house too"

We were now in the kitchen and my mother and Tasia both looked up at us.

"Um, hey Ni" Tasia said awkwardly smiling at me like she was scared or something.

"Mmmhmm" I said rolling my eyes.

I went over and hugged my mother and gave her kiss on the cheek. "Hey Mami"

"Was that necessary LaNiyah?" she asked in a whisper, cutting her eyes at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and leaned on the counter. We sat in an awkward silence as my mother finished breakfast, occasionally trying to start a conversation.

"Cam is coming over for breakfast"


"He's bringing Avery with him"

"Ok, why yall keep telling me this? I don't really care. I'm not stopping them from coming over, they ain't here for me and this is your house Mami" I said getting annoyed. Tasia and Avery's presence wasn't going to bother me. I just simply don't fuck with them. That is all.

Just then Cam walked in the kitchen, Avery right behind him. They both walked over to give my mother a hug and they said hi to the rest of us.

"Hey" Avery said

I gave her the same response I gave Tasia.

"Well breakfast is ready, yall can go ahead and make your plates" my mother said just as Mari texted me saying he was outside.

"Um I'm not staying"

"Why not? Where are you going?"

"Mari is taking me out for breakfast"

My mother gave me a saddened look and sighed. "Alright"

"I'll see you later Mami" I kissed her cheek again and headed to the front of the house.

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