Something's Up (Part 2)

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I couldn't stop crying. I was angry and a little hurt that my own family would do some shit like this. Like how can they not think to tell me about what was going on. They low key put my life in danger. I mean I can handle myself cause I'm always strapped, but that's besides the point. This was the second time people close to me have fucked me over. I wanted nothing more than to just leave but in the condition that I was in I knew I couldn't. I'm not risking my life again. I needed fresh air so I grabbed my jacket and headed down stairs.

"Hey Baby, where you headed?" my mother said as I ran down the stairs.

"Outside, I need some air"

"Wait, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing" I said walking by her heading straight for the door.


I started walking down the street and I can hear my mother jogging behind me calling my name.


"LaNiyah!" she shouted making me stop in my tracks and turn to face her.

"I know you heard me calling you, got me running behind your ass" she chuckled making me smile a little.

"Now what's the matter with you?" she stood beside me looping her arm through mine as we started walking together.

"Why is that everyone close to me, people I love, the ones who hurt me the most. The ones that are supposed to love me back" I said putting emphasis on supposed.

"What are you talking about? What happened?" she looked confused.

"Well your husband and the rest of his crew knew about Mari and decided not to tell me"

"Knew what about Mari?"

"That he was an opp. They knew this whole time that Mari was only with me to get close to them. And nobody thought to let me in on it. So I went off on them and your husband's excuse was he thought that it was best not to tell me so it seemed real to Mari"

It was silent but I can see the look on my mother's face and she was not happy at all.

"What do you mean Mari was an opp? So this whole time he's been in and out of my house smiling in my face and shit he's been working for the other side? And I actually liked that boy! I can't believe this shit" she said shaking her head.

"Baby don't worry about your father, I will deal with that. I don't know what to say to make you feel better but I know that it'll all work out in the end" she stopped and wiped my face.

"But what the hell am I supposed to do now that I know Mari don't give a shit about me? I can't continue this relationship, or whatever the hell it is, knowing what I know!"

"That's up to you. You need to do what's best for you even if that means doing something that isn't part of your father's plan."

"I can see the look in your eyes and I know the wheels are turning in your head and I'm going to tell you not to do anything crazy. I know that look and nothing good ever comes out of that look" she smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed.

"I know you lil girl! You're just like your father with his evil ass. Always thinking of some kind of plan."

"You're right, but I don't know what I want to do."

"Well I'll tell you this. Before you do anything talk to your father."

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