Last First Kiss

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  • Dedicated to Niall Horan

    Niall POV.

        I finished my solo from "Little Things", the last song that we had to perform tonight. As the song came to a close Harry shouted to the crowd, "We're glad to be home London!!!" and Liam ended the concert with a few last words, "Thanks for having us, this is by far the best gig of the summer!" We all headed backstage and dispersed to our individual dressing rooms. Louis' dressing room was flooded so he was sharing with me. I entered the dark room and flicked the light switch upwards causing the overhead lights to flicker before steadily supplying light the dressing room. I walked to the rack where mine and Louis' clothes hung waiting for us to change into what we would wear back to our flats.  as I began to peel my t shirt off my sweaty body, Louis came barging into the room and ran towards me like a linebacker who had his opponent targeted. I was on the ground within seconds. He planted his knees on either side of my chest and pinned me down by my wrists. My first reaction was to flip him over so I was on top and I accomplished the task successfully, I had him pinned in the same spot I was moments ago. Our eyes met and I found myself staring into his crystal eyes, they were as blue as the ocean and as comforting as a mother's gentle hug, he leaned forward and our lips connected with sparks, for the first time I was kissing another boy, and my fellow band mate at that. I began to kiss him back and I felt something that I had never experienced with any of the girls I've kissed, there was this tingly feeling in my stomach that made me feel like I never want to stop, I never want to be away from Louis. From that moment on I was unconditionally in love with him and I knew that I had to be with him. By this point I had released his wrists and his hands were clamped on either side of my face. The kiss was filled with passion as our tongues intertwined and fought with one another. We continued this for at least another minute before there was a sudden knock at the door. "You lads ready," I recognized the voice immediately, it was Zayn, "We're leaving so hurry it up in there" I broke off the kiss and I could see the pain in his eyes as I quickly jumped up and started hyperventilating. He pulled himself up and tried to look me in the eyes but I pushed him away and hurriedly stripped out of the clothes I has worn during the concert and pulled on my grey sweatpants and the navy blue sweater from the rack. My head was pounding and I was completely confused with the events that had just occurred. Without even looking at him I ran from the room and towards the black land rover that was to take me to my flat. When he arrived at the SUV the only spot open was next to Harry who playfully put his arm around Louis and kissed him on the cheek. "How's my Boo Bear?" Harry inquired jokingly. Louis didn't respond and instead just placed his forehead on the cold glass of the window and stared at the passing cars as the driver took us farther and farther from the location of my first kiss and possibly last kiss with Louis William Tomlinson. I rested my head on the window and drifted off into a long awaited nap that I would soon discover to be filled with erotic fantasies of me and the new love of my life.


Sorry the first parts so small.. I wanted to give you all a gist of the writing technique I used and see what kind of responses the first part received before I continued on with the next part... I'll be uploading another chapter every other day also, so if one of the chapters is a little small then I'll make up for it on the next one with an especially interesting and long chapter!

Take  care everyone!!  

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