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Louis POV.

My forehead rested against the icy surface of the window in the Land Rover as the driver took us back to the flat. I watched the neighboring cars pass us until the skin on my forehead ached due to the frigid glass separating me from the world that surrounded our band. I rotated my head towards Harry to find him trying to get comfortable between me and Niall, when my eyes landed upon the back of the younger Irish lad who, by now, had dozed off and was snoring quietly. I felt that familiar tingle throughout my body that I had only ever got from Eleanor before we broke up the previous year, due to my coming out to her, she was still a close friend and trusted because she hasn't told anyone my secret. The explanation we gave the boys was that we just weren't meant to be together but still wanted to be friends. My eyes studied his hunched figure as he leaned rather uncomfortably into the door of the SUV. I was interrupted by Harry, "You're awake? I thought you were sleeping because of how quiet you've been." He told me as he shifted his body slightly so that he could put his head on my chest. My fingers disappeared into his brown locks and my arm rested on his side as he snuggled into my chest, His arm rested on my leg and I held his hand as he slowly drifted into a deep sleep. My eyes returned to Niall who had shifted slightly so he was now laying on his arm that he had propped between the door and his head. I studied him as I sat in the dimly lit vehicle and wondered if the kiss that seemed to have happened so long ago, though it's been less than an hour, meant anything to him like I thought it meant to me. I shook the thoughts from my mind, what was I thinking, I can't fall in love with a fellow bandmate. I frowned, the feelings that were produced inside of me when thoughts of Niall and the kiss rushed back into my mind were unbelievable. At that moment as I sat in the car, Harry resting on my chest and Niall's perfect silhouette in my mind, I placed a label on the feeling that was flooding my heart. It was love.

Niall POV.

"Ni," my nap was interrupted by a familiar voice bringing me back to reality with a gentle shake of my shoulder, "Ni, wake up, we're here" Harry said quietly  not wanting to startle me. I was exhausted after the concert and was muttering while Harry tried to rouse me. "Louis..." I moaned quietly but the younger English lad was close enough to make out what had been said. "Niall!" Harry was becoming more fierce and was shaking my shoulder with more force. I woke up suddenly and was caught off guard, "Wh-what's wrong!" I questioned as my head flew away from the door and collided with Harry's nose. "OW! What the..!" Harry shouted. As I started to comprehend what was going on around me I saw Harry holding his nose with his hand. I could see the scarlet blood oozing out of his nose and guilt immediately dominated my mind. "Harry! I'm soo sorry! Oh my god I can't believe I just did that! Are you okay?" My tone was filled with worry as I tried to move Harry's hand and look at the damage I had caused. He backed away, "I'm fine. Just come on." He said as he started walking towards the flat where the open door welcomed us in. I grabbed my bag from the trunk before I walked into the foyer of the flat. As the door closed behind me I leaned down to pick my bags up from the ground and in front of me appeared two feet. I rose from my crouched position and I was face to face with Harry once more. He had a tissue in his hand and was holding it to his nose. "Hey Har-" Harry cut me off in mid sentence. "Niall, What the hell was with you moaning Louis' name when I was waking you up?" I could feel the blood drain from my face and I went white, what was I supposed to tell him, I couldn't possibly tell him the truth. If he knew I loved Louis I'd be ruined. What would they think of me, what happens if the fans find out, they'll hate me even more. But before I could even think of a response Harry answered for me. "Ni, You know you can tell me anything... are you in love with Louis?" He questioned me with a pleading expression on his face. I answered in one simple word, or what I thought was simple. "Yes"


Hey Guys! Second part came early!!

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