Just Can't Let HIM Go

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Niall POV. 

        I snuggled closer into Harry as Paul took a seat next to Louis. Louis. The man I loved was lying in a hospital bed and wasn't waking up. I felt Harry move as he was readjusting himself under my weight. Harry was just as close to Louis as I was, and I knew that we were going to need each other to get through if Louis wakes up. When Louis wakes up. Harry ran his fingers through my hair to soothe me and I could hear him sobbing quietly. "It's going to be okay Harry.. It's all going to be okay." was all I said before slowly drifting off into an abyss of pain and darkness. My dreams were filled with images of Liam with bits of Louis intertwined. My best friend was dead and I was coming to terms with it through the horrific nightmares that my imagination conjured up, several different versions of Liam's death circulating in my mind.

        I awoke at a quarter to eight in the morning and scanned the room looking for signs of life. I slowly rose and untangled myself from Harry who was still sleeping, breathing rhythmically. As I stood up next to the bed, using the end for support, my eyes landed on Zayn who had passed out in the reclining chair that the nurses had wheeled in late last night. Paul was still sitting on the small couch that was on the far wall, in front of the window, studying the screen of his iphone intently. "Morning." I managed to say hoarsely. The air in the hospital suite was dry while the temperature was warm and welcoming. Paul's head shot up and he was relieved to see me standing up. "Oh. Niall... Morning buddy," He said looking at me sympathetically before returning his gaze to the phone, "Your parent's are all on their way." I sighed in relief at the thought of seeing my mum and dad. When I finally came to find Louis still in the exact same position as the night before tears formed in my eyes again. I walked closer and took his hand into mine. I sat down on the bed and placed his hand on my thigh, still keeping my hand enclosed around his. He needs to wake up.  I need him to wake up.

        About 4 hours later my mom, Maura, walked through the hospital suites door and she dropped her bag the moment she saw me, running across the room and bringing me into a tight gripped embrace. "Oh Niall! Oh my baby! Are you okay?" She asked sobbing loudly. "I'm not okay mom, Liam is dead, my best friend is dead! The love of my life is in a coma! Yes mom, the love of my life!" When I said this she was taken a back a bit by the sudden outburst on my behalf, "Harry was losing his mind but the docs say these meds will stop whatever was happening! Zayn hasn't even said a word to any of us since the accident, I'm not okay mom, I'm not." She looked at me, tears rolling down her cheeks and brought me back into her warm hug, this time more soothingly as she rubbed my back. "It will all get better baby, it will all get better." is all she said as she continued rubbing my back. My father had just stood in the doorway as I was screaming at my mother and now turned, muttering something about not having  a fag as a son. He never walked back in.

        I walked my mom over to a chair and sat her in it as I returned to sit next to Louis, once again taking his hand into mine. "This is all my fault. All my fault." I said quietly. If he didn't wake up and if he wasn't okay I'd be to blame. It's my fault that the paparazzi were chasing us. It's my fault that Liam is dead, I won't let it be my fault that Louis wasn't okay. I began to cry even more and brought my lips down to his. Kissing him one last time before I walked over to my mom and sat next to her on the couch, leaning into her side as she soothed me. After a few minutes of sitting there with my mom I hear some rustling and looked up. "Niall." Was all Louis said before rolling onto his side and going back into a deep unconscious state. I got up and ran to get a doctor.

A/N ~Sorry~

This is all I could get done before school  today... not that the first couple weeks of school are over I'll be able to start getting ona normal publishing schedule... sorry it's sooo short... only had like twenty minutes to write! Expect a long chapter at some point this week... I get an extra 3 hours in the morning.. hope everyone is having a good time<3 Love you all!

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