Heart to Heart

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-3 days later-

Liam POV.

        My eyes opened slowly and I rubbed my temples, where am I? My head felt like someone had beat me with a bat and I remembered the events that had taken place, the paprazzi and the crash, followed by the apparent kidnapping.. whoever took me wasn't here now and I was in a dimly lit room with a small cot, a toilet and a sink. I found myself sprawled out on the concrete flooring, holey blood stained clothing covering my aching body. I attempted to lift myself up but was weaker than I had thought and fell to the ground once more with a thud. I crawled to the cot and used it to lift my body onto the urine smelling inch thick mat. I rolled onto my back and looked at the mossy ceiling. How long have I been here? My unclean fingers traced my jawline to find a thick layering of facial hair. "so I've been here for a while." I muttered to myself. I could only assume I was taken for some sort of ransom, what other reason would there be to take me. Was the rest of the band okay? Was I okay? I didn't have any answers.. only questions. the biggest question of them all, will I ever get answers?
        After what felt like hours of nothing but the sound of dripping water from the leaky faucet and the rare crack of thunder from outside of this building I heard a key enter a hole and twist, a bright light followed and a man walked over to the bars that separated me from him, "You're awake." he said gruffly. Grunting he walked back towards the door, but not before throwing me a small chunk of stale bread. I ate the bread in three quick chomps and lay back down on the smelly cot. I closed my eyes. Images of the band popped into my head and I started to cry. "I miss you." I murmured, "so much." I wondered if they even knew I was kidnapped or if I was presumed dead at the scene before being kidnapped. Either way I hoped that somehow I would be saved. I began to softly sing 'half a heart' to myself in order to try and calm down a bit. It worked slightly and my breathing returned to normal, not that any of this was normal.

Louis POV.

        I sat in my hospital bed as doctors gave me a final examination before I was cleared for discharge. It has been 3 days since my memories were returned and I felt better than ever. That feeling only lasted a moment before the loss of Liam creeped back into my already emotionally scarred mind. The doctor patted my shoulder and told me I was cleared to leave. Niall strolled into the room as I was slipping out of my hospital gown. He came up behind me and wrapped his muscular arms around my chest and pressed his lips against the back of my neck. "you ready to get out of here boobear?" He asked me giggling. "absolutely!" I said as I turned around in his arms and kissed him passionately." He was without a doubt the cutest creature I've ever seen. "I love you Niall." I said and he looked at me lovingly. "not as much as I love you Mr. Tomlinson!" Every time I laid my eyes on him all my emotional scarring healed little by little, his affect on me was uncanny and I couldn't get enough of those Irish lips of his.
        I slid my clothing on after Niall released me from his loving hug and flashed him my sparkle filled smile. We made our way to the band suite and gathered the rest of our things before departing from the hospital. Harry joined us and we each slid into the car that Paul had drove to the hospital to pick us up personally. Transportation would from now on be directly through Paul for liability and safety reasons. "You guys are being moved to a secondary location for the remainder of your time off to reduce public attention, It's more secluded in the country okay." Paul told us as we started our two hour drive out of the city and towards the vacation home. "Zayn's already there." He finished. I snuggled into Niall's side and rested my hand on his chest. I felt safe. "Haz, how are you feeling?" I inquired. "Pretty good, slight headache but the doctor said that's to be expected. "glad to hear it." I shut my eyes as Niall hummed along to the song that was playing over the radio. It was the latest song by James Blunt called 'Heart to Heart'. The tune was extremely catchy and was stuck in my head immediately.

-Two Hours Later-

Niall POV.
        We arrived as the sun was setting on the horizon. The scenery was beautiful and I took a selfie for Instagram with the rolling hills in the background. I helped carry the bags inside and found my way to the room I would be sharing with the love of my life. I jumped onto the bed and lay there thinking about all the things that had happened before Louis climbed onto the bed next to me and lay his arm on my back. "You okay Ni?" He asked and I gave him a slight smile, "yeah I'm alright boo." I lied, I felt like wanting to cry but fought it because I knew if I did than the rest of the gang would be soon to follow, it was only a matter of time before one of us broke down. I didn't want it to be me. "Okay, you want something to eat perhaps?" I lit up at the suggestion and we made our way to the updated kitchen. The fridge has a touch screen selection for several different mixed drinks and I selected a simple martini. I didn't feel like asking Paul to pick us up some beer anyway. My phone chirped and I pulled it from my pocket in one swift motion. I had received a twitter notification on my private account, no one but the people I gave the name to had this account?  The notification was from a user by the name of @1Doomed It read:

@NiallOfficial Miss someone?
        I was taken aback, Liam's death had not yet been announced to the general public. The crash was announced and the only news that fans had received is that the band is in recovery. "Look at this." I said and passed my phone to Louis. His brow furrowed an he opened his mouth to speak when Harry strolled in. "I got a weird tweet on my private account a few minutes ago" Harry said confused. "Me too." I said in return. Harry handed his phone to me and his message was from the same user but not a matching message, his read:

@Harry _Styles How about we play a game

        The tweets confused us all but we put our phones away and continued on with making some food. Louis threw some burgers onto the stove and we were sat at the table within the hour finishing our food. Liam had always been the one with great cooking skills and once again my mind traveled to my best friends absence. Would I ever be able to go more than a few minutes without the memory of Liam passing into my mind. I wasn't sure. We cleaned up our mess and each went to our rooms for bed after our exhausting day. Me and Louis slid out of our clothes down to our boxers and brushed our teeth for bed.
        We climbed onto our king sized mattress and Louis wrapped his arms around me pulling me close and making sure I felt safe as I drifted into a deep sleep. "Goodnight love." he said with a kiss on my cheek. "Sweet Dreams." I replied. I felt his heart beat against my back and it felt as if his heart synced with mine and they were beating together. Heart to heart I fell asleep and didn't awake until I heard a loud shattering of glass coming from downstairs. As my eyes shot open I rolled over to find Louis still fast asleep. I was about to climb out of bed to investigate when I heard a creak outside our door. Footsteps came up the stairs and I heard Zayn's voice, I couldn't make out what he said but he sounded distraught. There was a grunt followed by a loud snapping of wood that sounded like someone has broke the balcony railing overlooking the living room. There was a thud and a crashing sound from the living room. There was the sound of a door opening and a loud gunshot that woke Louis in a gasp as I sprung out of the bed and to the door I twisted the lock and slid a chair under the handle before pulling Louis into the master bathroom and locking that door as well. I pulled him into the tub and held my hand over his mouth as his body shuttered in fear. We heard footsteps and the rattling of a door handle. When the door didn't budge someone rammed the door with their side to no result. The footsteps receded back down stairs and we heard the front door slam. A car fired up and sped away. I dared not move or breathe. My heart was pounding a hundred miles per hour and I was crying.

What had just happened.

To be continued...

I know I know it's been FOREVER since an update... hope this feeds your drama needs... Let me know what you thinks gonna happen next and what just happened. Love you all:) Take care:*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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