Take Me Home: Part One

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(Sorry for the lack of separation, I was writing the scenes and didn't even think about splitting them up.. sorry)

*5 Hours Later at Syco Records in London*

Paul POV.

        "Paul, have you gotten a hold of the boys yet?" Simon asked frantically. I checked my phone one last time before responding. "Not yet, I can't believe they left without any guards!" Simon huffed and agreed with me. "I know, it was a stupid choice, they know better than that." I picked up my phone and opened the app that accesses Twitter. I checked the boys Twitters one last time to see if any of them gave any information on their whereabouts. Nothing. What did catch my eye though was what was trending worldwide.


        My brow furrowed and I walked over to Simon who was pacing back and forth in his office. "Look at this, doesn't look good." I told him as I handed him my phone. His eyes scanned the screen, he read what was trending and took a deep breath before returning my phone. "I have a feeling we've missed something, I'm going to check the news." He took a remote off of his desk and pressed the circular button at the top that instantly brought life to the flatscreen on the wall behind me. The room filled with the sound of a women on the television talking about the weather for the day. I turned around to face the screen as Simon flipped through stations until he came to CTV News. On the screen was were two news anchors talking about major breaking news. I saw Niall and Louis' name flash across the screen and suddenly felt all the blood drain from my face as I paled. "In other news, it seems that the popular british boyband," the male anchor was interrupted by the women, "and Irish if I might say." she said this with a smirk as she looked into the camera. "yes, as I was saying, it seems that the popular british, and irish, boy band One Direction who have been spending the last few days in Paris have been keeping a rather big secret from the public eye." I closed my eyes and braced myself for what I already knew. "Fellow bandmates Niall and Louis were seen earlier today, kissing..." he put a lot of emphasis on the work Kissing before finishing what he was saying.  "Since the events at the Topshop they had been in the two boys, mainly Niall, have received overwhelming amounts of hate in the Twittersphere. Top trends around the world are telling Niall to kill himself or leave the band." There was commotion on the screen as a young lady most likely an intern, no older than 20 rushed over to the news desk and handed the man a folder, tears streaming down her face. "Mary, talk about the boys for a moment." He told his fellow anchor as he opened the folder and walked off screen. I found it very odd that he would just leave during the news but turned back to Simon who had muted the television. "How the hell could they be so bloody reckless!" Simon shouted punching the wall behind his desk. I was taken aback at Simon's sudden outburst. "I'm not sure but we need to find them, they could be getting mobbed, paparazzi and reporters are probably going crazy trying to get to the boys and they don't have any protection." I returned to my phone and started to type frantically. 

To: Niall, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam
Msg:  where the hell are you!
        I decided to text the girls as well incase the boys had contacted them.
To: Perrie, Eleanor, Danielle
Msg: Have any of the boys contacted you, have you been on Twitter?

        I had just hit send when I heard Simon gasp and drop his coffee mug, it shattered on the ground and coffee stained the light carpet. I looked at him, his mouth was agape and all the color had drained from his face. "What is it Simon?" I questioned worriedly. He reached for the remote and turned the volume back up on the television. I returned my gaze to the screen as an image of the boys popped up on the screen as the male anchor who had left returned onto the screen. "We have just received word that the very same band that has just had two of their members reveal their love for eachother have been involved in a terrible accident in the very same tunnel that Princess Diana of Whales lost her life. The band had just left a mall and were heading back to the vacation home they were staying in while in Paris when they were  berated  by paparazzi that forced the driver of the vehicle to drive faster than the designated speed limit." I breathed heavily as the news anchor continued. "They were chased into the Pont De l'Alma road tunnel where one of the vehicles that was chasing them swerved into the bands Land Rover which caused the vehicle to bolt sideways into the wall of the tunnel and flip over. As the vehicle slid forward by it's roof,  the paparazzi that had moment before crashed into the bands Land Rover collided with a pedestrian and their vehicle started letting off smoke as a fire started under the hood. The bands Land Rover was impacted by an oncoming pickup truck which catapulted it farther into the tunnel. This all the information we currently have on the accident but we are being updated now by the French authorities." The anchor finished as he was being handed more folders. Simon was now sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "Should I head to Paris?" He nodded and I slid my phone into my pocket and headed for the door.  I walked through the the glass doors of  Syco records and jogged over to my black sedan. I unlocked the doors and slid inside of the vehicle. I started the car and turned on the radio to listen to updates on the boys.

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