Need You Now: Part One

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Niall POV.

        Throughout my singing Louis started to cry and I wasn't sure if he was remembering me, remembering anything. I finished singing also in tears and the only thing I said was, "anything?" The tears were falling like Niagara Falls on both ends. He looked at me and opened his mouth to speak. "Niall.. I.." Suddenly Johannah and Mark came rushing in, cutting Louis off. "My baby! You're awake!" I slipped out of the room quietly and made my way back to the band's hospital suite. As I entered the suite I put my guitar back in it's case. The tears were still falling slowly and I had no idea if the song had worked or not. It couldn't have worked, it was all hopeless. I climbed into Harry's hospital bed and burrowed into his side once again. I was beginning to fall asleep, tears still falling, when someone said my name. 

        I unhooked myself from Harry and rolled over. The person I found leaning into the doorway for support was not who I had expected. "Niall, I remember, I remember everything..." I jumped out of Harry's bed and practically ran into Louis' arms. "I love you Louis! You don't know how scared I was that I lost you forever!" Our lips connected with the same brilliant sparks as the first time in the dressing room. We stood there in the doorway, kissing to make up for the moments we had lost when he didn't remember who I was.  Things seemed to finally begin returning to normal, when I remember Liam. "Lou, there's something you need to know." He looked at me slightly confused, "What is it Nialler?" he asked and my throat clenched up my eyes began to blur from the now familiar tears. "um, well.. we were obviously all in a car accident." Lou wasn't phased by what I was saying yet, "and.. well... Lou, I think it would be best if you took a seat." His face returned to the confusion from when he first awoke without his memory. "Okay?" he said hesitantly. We walked over to the small couch where my mother had sat hours earlier. I took  Louis' hands into mine and made him look at me before I continued.

        "So we were in the accident, and, well.... Liam didn't survive babe." I said and started to cry again as it began to really sink in that my best friend was dead. Lou's face was clear of all emotion and he simply wrapped his arms around me, pulling my in close. "It's going to be okay babe, I've got you, I remember everything now, I'm never leaving you again. I promise." His words comforted me enough to look him and we locked lips once more, this time a slow passionate kiss, and in the moments of the kiss, I believed what he said to me, about how everything would be alright, because I truly believed it would be. We finished kissing and we repositioned on the couch into a comfortable cuddling position, where we stayed for a few hours, not sleeping, not speaking, just holding each other, feeling safe, being together was enough. He was back, and he was here to stay.

Louis POV.

        Having Niall in my arms made everything calm and I felt safe. "I'll love you forever and always, I just need you now more than ever my little leprechaun." I said, breaking the silence that had consumed the room for the past few hours. "I'm not going anywhere Lou." He said, instantly comforting me with his thick Irish accent that could soothe the rowdiest child. I had the sudden urge to return what he had gave me, and I quickly climbed over Niall and grabbed his guitar. "You returned my memory with a song and I'm forever grateful.... but I want to thank you with more than a kiss. I started playing the chords of my favorite song as I sat back on the couch, Niall sitting up before I even started singing.

Louis' "singing" to Nialler:

        I finished singing and Niall nearly tackled me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him. He pushed his lips into mine and his tongue begged for entrance. I allowed it to enter and our tongues began to explore each others mouths for the first time since the accident. I wasn't fully healed and my head ached slightly but I didn't want to stop anything because I missed him so much and never wanted to stop if we didn't have to. He grinded his pelvis into mine and I moaned slightly in his mouth before someone in the room coughed and brought us back to reality. "You guys have to do that right now?" Harry's thick accent rung through the room and I chuckled. "Sorry mate, guess we got a little carried away. I pulled Niall on top of me and we just laid there for a few minutes. Niall's scent filled my nostrils and I breathed deeply. I love him so much, and I still found it hard to believe he was mine. No matter how distracted we got or how much I tried not to think about it, the thought of Liam always crept back into our minds... and even though it seemed like he was dead, something inside me told me that Liam was still out there, I don't know why, but if he is I will find him...


Thanks for all the responses, I'm glad to know there are actually people  reading this.... I've already got part two typed and that will be up tomorrow night...

For the Liam chapter you have 3 choices, they might not make sense, but each one has a different outcome... :P

1) Louis' Adventure

2) Liam's Lowest

3) Daddy's Decision

Please choose one of those so I can proceed in writing Liam's chapter... I can't write it until I have a clear readers majority choice, so I need to have as many of you as possible comment what one you'd like. Love you all!!!    

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