Little Things

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Harry POV.

        I waited 15 minutes for one of them to say I could come back but after no one came to get me I rose from where I was sitting outside of Niall's door and slowly twisted the brass knob. I poked my head through and scanned the room. The lights were on but Niall and Louis lay in eachothers arms fast asleep. I crossed the room and turned the lamp off before covering the two in a blanket and exiting the room where two of my best friends slept. ughhh. What an exhausting day, luckily it seemed like all the drama had finally passed and we could enjoy the rest of our vacation. Most of the lights in the house were off, excluding the kitchen and the living room where Liam and Zayn were lounging on the couch lazily watching some game show. I was starving. I hadn't had a chance to eat at all, Liam had ordered a pizza earlier but I never got a piece and now Niall had finished it off. The fridge was bare because Paul wasn't bringing by the groceries until tomorrow. There was a box of Lucky Charms in the pantry so I grabbed the box and ventured to the couch where I sat and ate the dry cereal. 

        I looked to where Li and Zayn sat and found Liam had fallen asleep on Zayn's shoulder and Zayn was on his phone probably browsing Twitter or what not. "Mind if I change the channel?" I asked Zayn who looked up and shrugged his shoulders signaling that he didn't really care either way. I grabbed the remote and started scrolling through the channels. I stopped on Sex in the City, many people didn't know but I have quite the guilty pleasure of the American show. Sarah Jessica Parker was an amazing actress. I met her at the VMA's last year and we hooked up after the show. The rumors about myself fancying older women were true, I don't really know why I liked them over the younger gals who swooned over me, but I did.

        I watched a few episodes and glanced at the clock, it was a quarter after two in the morning. I shut off the television and Zayn looked up, I had forgot he was even down here, I hadn't looked over to the couch since the show started. Liam now had his head in Zayn's lap and was snoring quietly. "Need some help moving him upstairs or you just gonna leave him down here?" I questioned as I placed the remote on the coffee table. "I think we'll just stay down here, I'm exhausted." He replied as he draped the quilt that had been laying on the back of the couch over himself and Liam. I found that odd, Liam and Zayn sleeping together on the couch? Whatever. I walked through the house, turning off lights as I went, and entered my room. I changed into my pajamas and slid under the covers. It was cold in the room so I pulled the comforter further up on my body. My eyes slowly grew heavier and heavier as the night carried on. I was thinking about the past three years of my life and how far I and the lads had come, it was unbelievable. I shut my eyes and began to dream about the past.

Louis POV.

        "Get back here kid! I'm one of the good guys!" The big guy who was chasing me yelled. I ran through the streets of  Cheshire, frantically trying to keep my lead. My feet were moving faster than I have ever seen them move and I darted around all the people so as not to run into any of them and slow me down, giving the man a chance to grab me. My heart was racing and I couldn't see where I was running because of all the people blocking my view of what lay ahead. The crowd began to grow more thin and I noticed I had ran into an alley that was a dead end. My eyes darted around and I searched for an escape. There was a metal ladder that led to a staircase I knew would take me to the roof. I began to climb the ladder and I was halfway to the top when my feet were grabbed from below and I was yanked down. "Get your filthy hands off me!" I screamed and kicked at the man who was pinning me down. "LET GO OF ME!! GET OFF!! STOP IT!" I yelled and screamed. 

"Louis!" I heard a faint yelling. "Louis! It's okay!" The voice sounded familiar. "Lou!"

Niall POV.

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