Chapter Nine

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He was leaning in and I thought I was ready for this, I wasn't. He was still leaning it so I took my chance and I got up. Harry seemed to notice that my presence was gone because he stopped leaning in and opened his eyes. He looked at me with a confused and hurt expression.

"Why did you move?" He asked

"I-I I can't do this" I said and walked out of the room. I don't know where I went, I more walked around the massive house but either way, I didn't know.

'Im sorry' I messaged Harry

'I don't understand you sometimes' he replied

'You've known me for what 2 hours?' I replied. It was silent for a while.

'I've known what you have been feeling, thinking, seeing, and where you have been, I knew you, I know you , you just hadn't met me yet!' He said. This Kraft me dumbfounded.

'Well, what don't you understand this time?' I asked confused

'You!' He replied. Ugh this is taking to long to try to get used to.

"HARRIEH" I yelled. I heard running and next thing I know Harry is standing next to me.

"What took you so long, used human speed?" I asked with a smirk

"No point using vampire Speed in this house, now explain why you won't kiss me because I promised I wouldn't go any further with you" he reminded.

"Well, you see, if I kiss you, I might have to admit to myself that I like you, and if I like you, then I will date you, but even if I date you, I won't let you change me, cause I don't wanna do 'it' until I get married. But even if we date, the likely hood we will he married this year is unrealistic. But you want to change me as soon as possible but I'm not going to let you change me, until we get married and I guess because I know we won't end up getting married, I won't kiss you because I will want to date you but I refuse to because then you might be more tempted to change me!" I exclaimed

"Yah I'm just gonna pretend that made sense" he said through a slight laugh. I smiled at him and the. Just stood there. I don't know if he finds this really awkward but I sure as hell do.


She stood there awkwardly, personally I found the situation quite humorous but she seemed to find herself standing awkward.

She smiled her beautiful smile at me and I smiled back. I took this time to take in her beauty from up close. She had the most beautiful blue eyes with dirty Blonde hair that looked so smooth and soft. Blair also had the most gorgeous figure, seriously she could be a model. When I have watched her I have heard her sing, she has the most angelic voice that comes out of those delicate pink lips that I so want to kiss. Gosh I wish she would let me kiss her. I wish she knew that I won't leave her and that I want to marry her. I want to respect her to, and do what is right for her but right now what I think is the right thing for her is to kiss her so she can feel the connection.

For a vampires mate the first stage of the relationship process happens when the two people, if they are meant to be, the feelings grow, if not any feeling other than friendship disappear for both human and vampire. So if I was to kiss Blair, as I know she is my mate, both our feelings will grow towards each other. As much as I love her now and she apparently likes me, I want her to love me and I want to feel proper and full love. The best thing is that with vampire mating, you never stop loving the other person and you can't stand to live without the other so really, I need to kiss Blair if I am to date her to then ask her to be my girlfriend to let her finish school and ask her to marry me possibly.


Harry was looking like he was in deep thought. Now he just looks like he is having a mental debate on whether or not to do something. Suddenly he snapped out of it and looked at me. He smiled lightly and pulled me into a hug suddenly he pulls away.

"Please co-operate" he said. I nodded in response even though it wasn't a question. Harry placed his hands on my shoulder and pushed me gently and walked forwards, so I was walking backwards. I feel my back lightly touch the wall, so now I have my back against the wall.

"Please don't hate me for this, I am Doing it for your own good and to speed up the process, you will see what I mean in about a week" he said.

What would he be doing that would make me hate him?

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