Chapter Twenty

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I miss her so much, words cannot describe and then when I thought things were getting better, the pain got worse, she isn’t talking to me, it is unbearable. I am itching to talk to her but I just can’t find the strength to do so.  I don’t even know if I have the ability to talk to her, like I know that she is my mate but I don’t know if I can just start up a conversation. Even if I could, I don’t have enough strength to muster to try and start something that powerful.

I don’t even know how a human can possess the type of powers and skills that Blair does. She is so powerful and strong. Some vampires that are alive today aren’t even that strong. If our separation is doing this to me, she is a frail human; it should be doing worse for her. But it isn’t, she is stronger than me, for gosh sake she is still running through that stupid forest.

I myself understand why this is so painful for me in an aspect. I fell in love with the beautiful girl that goes by the name of Blair years ago. I knew from the minute she was born that she was my mate and that she was mine and only mine. That whether or not, I was going to be in love with the girl that I watched grow up.

I have seen Blair cry, I have seen her change herself, I have seen her in pain and I have seen her at her worst. With that I have also seen the blue eyed beauty smile a smile that could light up the world, reach what she wanted to be, lived through her favourite days with her and seen her at her best.

It was hard watching her live on, change, make new friends, while I stayed in the shadows. I could never be a part of her life. But I did that because I wanted her to have a normal life, that is why she knows she is my mate, but not what that means.

I think that the hardest part of watching my baby grow was the bullies. They were all ugly as hell and she was definitely the most beautiful girl there. She hated herself, she cried herself to sleep, she lost countless dreams over her constant obsession on her weight. She was perfect but she didn’t see it, she didn’t need to lose weight. I always thought that she could have been a model; I actually still think that she could be. She would have the best time; they would never have to change anything about her. Maybe I will suggest it to her one we change her, that way she will be forever the same looking, she will be pale and no one will say anything about how she suddenly got paler. It also balances it out because well, the boys and I are famous.

We are on leave for a year at the moment, which is all I need to get her to fall in love with me. Then we can paint her really pasty or something and she can get to be ‘Famous’ per say and from there we can be in a relationship and then we will get married. But I may have to ask her thoughts on this. I just have this slight issue with the fact the fans are going to go crazy because I will be dating a no body.

Honestly is she got any hate I would just be so upset. There isn’t really anything that they can pick on; she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Her personality is wonderful and I have been watching her for long enough to know that her personality is wonderful and that she is really good with people. I don’t think that they will find anything to pick on about her. I mean, perfect body, perfect face, perfect hair, perfect smile, perfect eyes, perfect personality. She will be nice to all of them and I know it, they should be nice to her…I hope.

Today has been rather non eventful though. The boys are all quiet with the occasional chatter. I wish I could go down and see what all the quiet is about. Oh well I might just rest like Louis told me to.


I cannot even begin to think about the type of pain Harry is in. I really wish that I could tell him everything but I told Blair I wouldn’t and I think it would be a really nice surprise to waking up with the woman you love in the same bed as you, cuddling you, sleeping with you. Cute right?

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