Chapter Twenty-Five

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I watched the girl I love scream with pain and I couldn’t do anything. I saw her gagging back in the room, I didn’t see anything come up but I figure it must have been the same as the blood on her. We couldn’t see it. So I suppose he blood vomit would have become visible when he bleeding body did. I was wondering why she was hyperventilating before; I guess she was bleeding out and we couldn’t see it, sure as hell could smell it though. That is what was making me so worried – that I could smell her bleeding.

I was going to give her the space she needed until I saw the blood, I thought she was going to die; it scared the living daylights out of me. I honestly thought that she was going to bleed out. I had to go and try to fix it, I didn’t know how I was going to at the time, but I had to try something.

Liam was about to tell me why she kissed Niall when she stated screaming again. I never ending finding out what was wrong. I think that reason she was in pain might have been linked to that.

Blair was currently sitting on our bed staring at the wall; she looked like she was concentrating on it, almost examining it.

“Blair” I whispered softy crawling over to her from where was sitting about a meter and a half away. When I got no response I kept crawling over to her.
“Blair” I called again. I saw her eye brows furrow in concentration so I left her for a minute.

Suddenly Blair turned to me with a smile on her face.
“Baby why where you staring at the wall?” I asked her
“The voices came back so I was getting rid of them” She whispered crawling over to where I sat.

She sat in my lap straddling me. I smiled at her, god I want her. As I was looking in her eyes, something almost clicked inside her head and her eyes darkened.
“I want you” She whispered
“Blair, I thought you wanted to keep that till marriage?” I asked her a little confused.
“Right now, I want you, I don’t even care” She whispered seductively.

Something seemed a little off with her but I decided to ignore it for now. Blair pushed me back so I was laying down on the bed and she was on top of me.
“Plus nothing says that we have to go the full way” she whispered into my ear as she leant down over me. She raised herself back up slightly so she could look into my eyes. I love her so much, even if we don’t go the whole way, I don’t want this to be fast and rough, I want it to be gentle, slow and romantic. I saw her eyes lighten slightly and he lips for a grin, I saw something click again. She lowered her head down and connected her lips to mine, it took me a few seconds to respond, and my eyes fluttering closed. It was just as I wanted, slow, gentle and filled with love. I moved my hands so my thumbs where stroking her cheeks.

I loved how soft her skin was, all the time.

“Blair” I mumbled into the kiss
“Yeah” she whispered back connecting her lips back to mine
“I don’t want to go the whole way, but I will go pretty far” I told her.

I felt her relax a bit and she looked at me, smiling before her eyes closed again, her lips connecting with mine. Our lips moved in sync, tonight was going to be perfect.


Something had triggered this, but I fought against it. The minute I told him we didn’t have to go the whole way was when I broke through this barrier; gosh invisible mind walls were annoying.

I kissed him and so far it had been perfect, there was nothing controlling me, of course I hadn’t started tonight’s activities off, neither had Harry but at the moment it was just me and him. I was glad that he didn’t want to go the whole way but I was just as happy that he didn’t stop me from doing anything.

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