Chapter 2

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* Jackie's POV *

We were finally here at Joplin in our new home. If your wondering why we moved here anyways it because of my dad's job. But anways... I got all my boxes and unpacked. While I placed everything in my room I turned up my Never Shout Never music. I don't know what I'd do without Christofer's music. It's helped me through so much. One thing, that made me a tiny bit happy was the fact knowing that Christofer used to live here. Haha. As my music was turned up really loud and as I was unpacking, my mom came in, turned down my music, and sat on my bed. I rolled my eyes. "Can I talk to you,sweetie?" she asked me. "Sure.Whatever." I replied to her. She sighed. "Well, I know how much you hate that we've moved. I'm really sorry. But, there is nothing I can do. But, I also don't want you to be anti-social. So, I wanted you to go to the park that's down the street and make friends." she told me. "Mom, I'm not five anymore. I don't need to 'make' friends by going to the park, and so what if I don't have any friends here?! It's not important." I replied to her. "Yes it is sweety. Now please. Just do this for me? I won't bother you anymore today if you just do this for me. Who knows, you might meet somebody who will be very important in your life." I sighed. I really didn't want to go, but if it ment my mom would stop bugging me, and I wouldn't be stuck here unpacking, I'll go. "Okay. Fine. I'll go." I told her. She grinned. "Okay. Have fun. Come home before 7 for dinner." My mom left the room, and I started getting ready. I fixed my hair, put on a "The Ready Set" shirt. One of my fav bands beside Never Shout Never of course. Pants, a necklace, bracelets, and cowboy boots. I loved cowboy boots in the summer. Odd but true. Then some mascara and chapstick. I walked down the stairs and onto the cement and crisp Joplin air. I walked for about five minutes and got there. I didn't focus on anybody there. I wasen't really going to 'make' any friends. I just wanted to get out of the new house, and all the unpacking. I sat on one of the swings and just gazed at the scenery. It was really hot. I looked around to see kids buying icecream, kids getting wet in the sprinklers, just an average day scenery. I closed my eyes as I leaned on the swing string. But just then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I got scared and jumped up alittle. "Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I heard a guys light voice, which sounded familiar. I turned around and there he was. Not just any he,

but HE, Christofer Drew Ingle. "I'm Christofer." he said, with a smile. Was I dreaming. Please tell me I was not dreaming. This boy with a plain, white shirt, barefoot, green amazing eyes, and brown swooshy hair... was indeed Christofer Drew Ingle. I gulped, " Hi.I'm- ( I sat there so in shock I totally forgot my own name. How embarrasing.) Christofer giggled. "Well?"



-xo ♥

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