Chapterr 11.

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Sorry i havent posted in awhile! But without further ado.. here is chapter 11^-^


I woke up with an anxious yet happy feeling. Eep! Today was a Never Shout Never concert!

I got up really fast, and washed up, fixed my hair. I went back to my room and started deciding what to wear. What to wear?! A NeverShourNever shirt? No. Uhmm.. The Ready Set shirt? Wait what?! No.

Uhmm.. how about my green peace shirt? No. No. No. Hmm.. Ughh. After searching I found a Bob Dylan shirt and just decided I would wear that. Some skinny jeans too. I didn't even kmow whem he was gonna pick me up. ._. I decided I would call him. I was shaking as I was dialing his number. Why am I shaking? Oh my gosh... errggg. "Hello." Christofer anwered. "Uhhh.. uhhh... Hi Chris.. it's uhh.. me.. Jackie."

I replied with hyperness and happyness and nervousness in my voice. He giggled. "Hi, what's up?"

"Well.. I just wanted to know when exactly you were gonna pick me up for the.. uhhh.. uhhh.. concert?"

I asked him. "Is an hour okay?" he asked. "Yepp..ofocourse!" I replied. We finished talking and then hung up.

 Great.. an hour! I went to the living room and plopped myself on the couch, fiddling with my thumbs and twirling my hair. Why was I so nervous? -.- Grrr.. Well maybe because I was going to a NEVERSHOUTNEVER concert with CHRISTOFER DREW INGLE.

*An Hour Later*    

*Knock Knock*

"He's hereeeeeeeeeee!" I shouted without meaning to. I ran to the door and answered it. "Uhhh.. Hi Chris." I said calmly, even though I was loosing my freakin' mind. "Hey! you ready to boogie?" he asked snapping his fingers. "Yup, let's go boogie then." I said swaying my hips. We started cracking up. "What 'boogie' and where?" I heard my mom say from behind me as she was walking towards the door. My cheeks turned bright red. "Oh.. um goodmorning mother. This is my friend, Christofer & Christofer, this is my mom."


I was planning on the longest chapter ever! But it's been like a month since I updated and I don't want to keep you guys waiting :c

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