Chapter 10 - Bonding Time

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Dylan-(opening the door)Knock Knock. Hey, you alright?
Chris-Nope, not really. Sit down.(patting a spot next to him on the bed)
Dylan-When we were kids, did you ever picture us being like we are now?
Chris-Not at all.(laughing)Me, getting married to a witch, getting her pregnant, and me being a single father was not in my "when I grow up" plans.
Dylan-I hear that. Plus, my fiance' leaving me, me getting pregnant and then having a miscarriage, plus me almost losing my best friend in the whole world wasn't in my plans either I swear.
Chris-Well, I guess me being Superman and you being a Princess Dylan is not what we thought would happen in our future.
(both of us laughing)
Dylan-Oh my gosh, we haven't talked like this in soo long, like 2 years long.
Chris-I really don't know why I was being such an idiot. I'm so sorry for what I put you through...
because you seriously don't deserve it.
Dylan-So, do you want a boy or a girl.
Chris-In my opinion, a boy. You?
Dylan-That's not my baby.
Chris-Well, remember Evelyn said that she's giving me the baby as soon as possible.
Dylan-Look, it's still your child, remember that I am just helping you.
Dylan-But, i love that you care so much about me being apart of your child's life.
Chris-Aww, how sweet.(kissing her cheek)
Dylan-(laughing)Ewww. But, if I were to have a child, I wouldn't care if it was a boy or a girl because it's mine.
Chris-Nice. You know this talk is making me feel a little bit better.
Dylan-I'm glad. But,(holding his hand)we are in this together.
Chris-You won't bail on me right?
Dylan-I promise.
Chris-Thank you.(pulling her close to him)
Dylan-Why do you like to hug me so much?
Chris-Because you're cuddly and sweet. You are kind of like my teddy bear.
Chris-(leaning in)
Dylan-(punching him)OUR PROMISE!
Chris-Oh. oops.
Dylan-Oh my gosh.
Nicki-Hey Jess?
Nicki-Sorry. Lala is here.
Dylan-Alright.(getting off of the bed)
(Nicki & Dylan walking down stairs)
Nicki-Girl, I saw you 2 almost kiss.
Dylan-Alright that was an accident.
Lala-What was an accident?
Lala-Have you talked to Chris yet?
Dylan-You ask me that everytime you have came around me for the past 2 years.
Chris-Hey Lala.
Lala-Hi. I'm guessing that was a yes.
Chris-Well, I guess we need to bond because of the ba-
Dylan-Yes we do.
Lala-Were you about to say baby? OH MY GOSH ARE YOU PREGNANT?
Chris & Dylan-NO!!
Dylan-Evelyn, is pregnant but she's gonna leave Chris with the baby, so I am gonna help him.
Lala-Oh, because I was going to say I thought you 2 were just friends.
Dylan-We are and we will remain that way.
Chris-Forever, right Dyl?
Dylan-(fake smiling and says weakly)Yeah.
Chris-I gotta go somewhere. I'll be back later. Bye!
All of us-Bye!
(door shuts)
Lala-I know this may sound a little crazy but do you have a crush on Chris?
Dylan-What? No..why would you ask that? THAT'S CRAZY!
Nicki & Sam-Yes she does.
Dylan-No I don't.
Lala-You do like him...
Dylan-NO I DON'T! You know what, prove it.
Lala-Because when he said forever, you fake smiled and you sounded weak when you said yeah.
Sam-I'm starting to think he likes you back.
Nicki & Lala-No. That's a
Dylan-I can see where you got that from.
Nicki-Wher- ohh.
Dylan-He has almost kissed me a a few times.
Dylan-NO WAY!
Chris-(walking inside)No way what?
Dylan, Lala, Sam, & Nicki-Nothing.
Chris-I worry about you guys sometimes.
Dylan-Whatever. Can I talk to you for a second?
Chris-Am I in trouble?
Dylan-No. I'm serious.
Chris-Alright. But, first I gotta go by my house a get a few things. Cool?
Chris-Love you.
Dylan-You what?
Chris-Nothinggottagobye!(closes the door)
Lala-Ooh Dylan...
Nicki & Sam-Dylan & Chris sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love-
Dylan-QUIT IT.
Sam-Come on girl, we know love when we see it.
Dylan-Did he seriously tell me he loved me though?
Dylan-WE ARE NOT GONNA BE ANYTHING! Especially a couple.
Lala-I beg to differ.
Dylan-And why is that?
Lala-You do realize that when this child gets older, you two are gonna have to play "mommy and daddy" right?
Dylan-No we don't.
Lala-Dyl, yeah you will. Because he or she will see their friend's parents do that and then she'll try to figure out why aren't you two, kissing, and hugging, and doing other parent-like things.
Nicki-Ooh, you two are gonna fall in-
Dylan-Nobody is doing any-
Chris-Any of what?
Lala,Dylan,Sam,and Nicki-NOTHING!
Chris-Ok. But, you wanted to talk to me?
Dylan-Yeah, We'll be right back.
Dylan-So, how are we gonna bond?
Chris-We could find out stuff when it comes to parenting.
Dylan-Neither or us have children.
Chris-You have more experience with kids.
Dylan-Not really,but I really do feel like we can raise this kid right.
Chris-(pulling Dylan onto his lap)Everything is gonna be fine. You wanna know why, because we are bonding right now by talking.
Dylan-Yeah and this is not funny.(trying to get off of Chris's lap)
Chris-Where do you think you're going?(smirking)
Dylan-Well, I gotta go finish planning.
Chris-Planning what?
Dylan-How we are gonna live together with a baby for however many years.(walking downstairs)
Chris-(walking downstairs)Dylan, I was thinking, we're gonna have to kiss and stuff.
Dylan-NO WE WON'T!!!
Chris-Well, we might have to wifey.
Dylan-I am not your "wifey".
Chris-Soon-to-be(kissing her neck)
Oh man, don't fall for it don't do it...
Chris-You ok?
Dylan-Huh? Yeah!
Chris-Feels good huh?
Chris-You're a bad liar.
Dylan-(rolls her eyes)Whatever.(walks out)
Chris-I'm sorry.(hugs her)I am sorry.
Dylan-It's ok. Don't kiss on me, it feels weird.
Chris-Never again. Hey we bonded.
Dylan-Don't you have to go somewhere?
Dylan-Yes you do.
Chris-Where will I go?
Dylan-You don't gotta go to your place but you gotta get out of here.(Pushing him out and trying to close the door and smirking) Move your foot.
Chris-(smiling)Not yet. I'll be back soon.(Kissing her forehead.)Bye, love.
Dylan-Ok, move your foot please.
Chris-Fine.(moving his foot)
Dylan-(closing he door and immediately locking it.)
Sami-What are you doi-
Chris-(turning the doorknob)
Dylan-Nice try. BYE CHRIS!
Chris-Ugh, you kill me when you act like me sometimes. Bye.(walking away)
Lala-You two are enjoyed him kissing on you didn't you?
Nikki-You're lying.
Dylan-No i'm not.
Sami-Yeah, you totally blanked out.
Dylan-I did?
Lala-Oh my gosh you are so in love with him.
Dylan-Chris? No way. We're just friends.
Nikki-When that kid gets here, I swear you guys will end up falling in love and making a kid of your own.(laughing)
Dylan-Shut up!(hitting Lala and Nikki playfully)

Incoming Call:Chris!

Chris-Hey, um, can you bring me something to my house?
Dylan-What is it?
Chris-Well, I actually need to see you.
Dylan-Weren't you just at my house?
Chris-Yes, I was. I'm hungry.
Dylan-Me too.
Chris-Are the girls hungry?
Chris-Meet me at...
Dylan-Would you like me to choose?
Dylan-Let's go to-
Chris-Red Lobster?
Dylan-That sounds good! Hold on..

Dylan-You guys want to go to Red Lobster?
Lala,Nikki, and Sami-LET'S GO!

Dylan-See you in a second.
Chris-Love you.
Chris-Say it. You know you want to.
Dylan-Love you too.
Chris-Bye boo.
Dylan-Bye hunny-bunny.
(hanging up the phone)

Sami-Love you too?
Nikki-Who was that?
Dylan-Who do you think?
Lala-Was it your "boo thang"?
Dylan-It was Chris...apparently I am his "boo".
(at Red Lobster)
Chris-Hey gorgeous.(hugging Dylan)
Trey-Hey Dyl.
Drake-What's up Dylan!
Dylan-Hey guys.
Lala-Hey guys.
Trey-Who's this?
Dylan-Oh,this is my sister Lala, my best friends Samantha and Nicole.
Nikki-What's up?
Drake-Nothing much.
Lala-So, Chris are you gonna sit next to your boo?
Chris-You heard that?
Nikki-We all did.(laughing)
Sami-Right "hunny-bunny"?
Dylan-Nosey..just nosey.
Sami-Well, I learn from the best right Dyl?
Dylan-(laughing)Shut up!
Drake-So, are you two an item?
Chris-Who? Me and Dylan? No.
Chris-(looking at Dylan confusedly) Is that a problem if we were?
Dylan-No, I'm just saying. It's a little weird.
Trey-You two are about to raise a child together, it isn't weird at all.
Nikki-I agree with Trey.
Sami-Yeah, me too.
Dylan-Shouldn't we order?
Chris-Evelyn, S***.
Evelyn-So, I see that you two are a couple.
Dylan-No, we're just friends.
Evelyn-B****, I'm not stupid.
Dylan-Who are you calling a b****? at Dylan)
Chris-(whispering in Dylan's ear)Don't let her frustrate you she wants to make you snap. You can do this. Don't let her win.
Dylan-Okay, Evil Evelyn please just let me enjoy this one evening.
Evelyn-Look, Devil...even though we are getting a divorce.
Dylan-(mumbling)Chris, get your girl.(clenching her fists
Evelyn-Well, I gotta go.

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