Chapter 5 - The Wedding

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The Wedding Day
Dylan's P.O.V.
Well, let me call Lloyd. Let him know that I'm getting ready and to meet me here.
Incoming Call:Lloyd
Dylan-Hey. I was about to call you.
Lloyd-That's funny. You getting ready?
Dylan-Yeah. Right now actually. Do you remember my address?
Lloyd-1452 Pinacle Road.
Dylan-Aww, you remembered.
Lloyd-Of course. Dyl?
Lloyd-I think I'm gonna wear my hair out.
Dylan-It's extremely long. FYI, I'm gonna play with it.
Lloyd-(laughs)Ok. I haven't cut it before.
Dylan-Yeah. But I'm ready now. You can come and get me in a little bit.
Lloyd-Alright. Bye Dylan.

Chris-You talking to Lloyd?
Evelyn-Chris can we go now?
Evelyn-Fine.(walks downstairs)
Chris-By the way you look beautiful.
(Dylan's Outfit- )
Dylan-Thanks. You look nice too. After all, we are the maid of honor and the best man.
Lloyd-You look amazing.
Dylan-Thank you. You ready to go?
Lloyd-Whenever you are.
Nicki & Sam-Hey! Awww you look so beautiful.
Dylan-Thanks. You guys do realize I'm not getting married right?
Chris, Lloyd, Nicki, and Sam-Yeah.
(at the Rosemary Garden)
*Dylan's P.O.V*
Have to help Lala get ready.
Lala-DYLAN!! My maid of honor is in the building!!!
(Lala- )
Dylan-(smiling)Yes I am.
Lala-Hey Nicki. Hey Sami.(hugging them)How are you?
Dylan-(Hugging La La)Hey! Are you excited?
Lala-Yes...and extremely nervous!
Dylan-No worries. Everything's fine.
Lala-Chris here?
Lala-You're leaving something out.
Dylan-No I'm not...why would you think that?
Lala-I have known you since...forever! We are the same age. You keep pausing..which you NEVER DO! Spill. Now.
Dylan-Fine. He's here with that...that...thing.
Nicki-Got a new girlfriend...that hates Dylan.
Lala-Ouch. Sorry Dyl.
Dylan-Can we stop talking about Evelyn?
Lala-Sure..who are you here with?
Dylan-Do you remember Lloyd from high school?
Lala-He's your beau?
Dylan-No. But, we gotta finish getting ready. And then you will soon be Mrs. Carmelo Anthony!

*Chris's P.O.V.*
Carmelo-Yo! Breezy what's up?
(Carmelo- )
Chris-Nothin' much. Chillin' like a villain.
Carmelo-Cool. Is it ok to be nervous?
Chris-Dude. It's a wedding. Your wedding. You're supposed to be nervous. Kinda the point before the wedding.
Carmelo-Word on the street is that you got a new girl. She cool with Dylan?
Chris-Yeah and no...not at all.
Chris-I really don't know why they don't like each other so much.
Carmelo-They are both important to you right?
Carmelo-Well, try to figure it out.
Chris-Yeah! That's right. Thanks man.

Chris's P.O.V.
So, I think I'm gonna see if Evelyn's jealous of me and Dylan's relationship and then ask Dylan. I think that's what I'm gonna do.
Chris-Hey Dyl?
Chris-Why..why don't you like Evelyn?
Dylan-She's so rude and mean...for no apparent reason. Why do you "love" her?
Chris-Don't do that again please. And, because she makes me happy. Is that a good enough reason?
Dylan-Ok, and no. It's not. Tell me in details.
Chris-Ok, she's really sweet once you get to know her.
Dylan-Yeah, you're her boyfriend.
Chris-Ok. Hey Ev.(running to Evelyn)
Evelyn-Hey baby(kissing him)What's up?
Chris-You know I was thinking, and um, I thought about what you said. If Dylan really was my best friend, she'd understand that we're meant to be together. You told me to choose, and I choose you.
I think it's working.
Evelyn-Aww baby. (kissing him) See, she really isn't worth it.
Chris-I know.(smiling and his an make-out session with Evelyn)
Dylan-(crying)I'm not worth it?(running away)
Chris-Dylan..(running after her)
D*** I messed up.
Chris-(pulling back Dylan)Dylan, here me out.
Dylan-(trying to pull away)Get away from me.
Chris-No, just listen to what i have to-
Dylan-(slaps him)Listen to what you have to say? I'll pass. I've heard enough from you!(walks away crying)

Dylan's P.O.V.
Great! Now I have to redo my make up too.
(back in Lala's room)
Lala-Oh my gosh! What heppened?!?!?
Dylan-(wiping her eyes)Well...
Nicki-Well what?
Dylan-(getting her makeup re-done)I was walking down the hallway and I overheard Chris and Evil Evelyn talking and here's what I heard: Chris was like- You know I was thinking about what you said and if Dylan really was my best friend, she'd understand that we're meant to be together. You told me to choose and I choose you.
Sam-I swear when I see him i'm gonna kill him and little miss thing.
Dylan-I'm not done yet. Then, Evelyn kissed him and said see she really isn't worth it. Then Chris said I know. Then they started having an m.o.s.(make-out session) Then I ran away and he came after me and then we started arguing and then I slapped him and walked away crying.
Lala-Oh my gosh. Wait, that doesn't sound like Chris.
Sam-Now that I think about it, no not at all.
(at the wedding reception)
Lala-I'm officially Mrs. Carmelo Anthony!
Dylan-(hugging her)I'm glad you're happy!
Sam-I've never seen you like this.
Chris-Lala, are you happy that you're married?
Lala-Yeah. I am.
Chris-Congratulations.(hugging her)Dylan can I talk to you?
Dylan-Nah, I'm good.(walking away)
Ugh. Please don't follow me Chris.
Chris-Please. Just give me 2 minutes.
Dylan-Fine. Spill.
Chris-Ok. I was just trying to figure out why-
Dylan-Why me and Evelyn don't like each other? Is that why? You did that?
Chris-Well yeah. Why is that a problem?
Dylan-Because every since you met her, you have done nothing but follow her like a puppy. Literally. We never spend real time together like we used to.
Chris-That's not true.
Dylan-Yes it is.
Chris-Whatever(walking away)
Nicki-(walking over to Dylan)You ok?
Dylan-Yeah. I'm fine.  

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