Chapter 15 - Friends and Fakes

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  *At Christian's*
Christian-Hey, are you okay?
Christian-You wanna talk about it?
Christian-I got you a gift.
Dylan-What is it?(clapping her hands).
Christian-(handing her a box)Open it.
Dylan-Wow.(opening it and gasping)You got me two puppies?
Christian-No, 1 puppy. We each have one. I named mine. They're both boys.
Dylan-I want the husky!
Christian-K. It's yours. I have the Terrier. I'm naming mine-
Dylan-Don't tell me. I got a name for mine. Guess.
Christian-Boy with an I?
Dylan- Nope. Again.
Christian-Your turn.
Dylan-Okay. Um, spot.
Dylan-Hmmm. Butch?
Christian-Nope. Dog.
Dylan-You named your dog, Dog.
Christian-Yeah, Dog and Bone. How funny.
Dylan-You're stupid. I'm going to bed.
Christian-Do you wanna go see your friends?
Dylan-Which ones?
Christian-You know who I'm talking about.
Christian-Why not?
Dylan-People are fake friends and some people are actually your friends. Now, I know why.
Christian-Sam and Chris are still your friends...and you know that.
Dylan-Whatever..I need to go to bed.
Incoming Call: Sam

Sam-Is this a bad time?
Dylan-Yep. Terrible timing.
Sam-Oh, its about Chri-
Dylan-Heffa did you call me to talk about your boyfriend?
Dylan-Yes you fat cow. Heffa, if you called me to talk about Chris, I'm hanging up.
Sam-Why are you so mean to me?
Dylan-Why? Why is because you're a fake. You betrayed me. You knew that I loved Chris and then you go and date him? You are on a completely new level of low, Samantha.
Sam-Dyl, I-
Dylan-Only my friends call me 'Dyl'. Its Dylan to you.
Sam-(crying)Dylan, I swear I didn't mean to hurt you.
Dylan-Samantha, cut the BS and go cater to your boyfriend and your baby. I have more important things to do. Bye.
*hanging up*

Christian-What was that about?
Dylan-Nothing. I'm going to bed. Night.
Christian-(grabbing my arm)Don't care about someone who doesn't care about you...Samantha really does care. Put that into consideration before you bash her again.
Dylan-You're siding with her? Wow.
Christian-No, i'm not. I just don't like seeing you this frustrated over something stupid.
Dylan-It's stupid to you. Not me. SO, GOODNIGHT!(walking out and closing the door)

Incoming Call: Chris

Chris-Dyl! I need to talk to you! Now!
Dylan-What's wrong?
Chris-I'm at Mercy! It's Evelyn!(rambling)
Dylan-Ok. Ok. I'M ON MY WAY!

Christian-What is it?
Dylan-Something about the baby. Take me to Mercy hospital!
*At the hospital*
Dylan-What happened!?
Chris-Evelyn said that she was sleeping and all of sudden she looked down an-
Dylan-There wasn't blood, was there?
This isn't happening.
Chris-Yeah. She said a lot.
Dylan-Where's the doctor.
Chris-In th-
Dr.-Mr. Brown?
All of us huddled around him.
Dr.-She was pregnant.
Chris-What do you mean was?
Dr.-She lost the ba-
Dr.-I'm sorry.
Sami-Baby, are you okay?
Chris-(in tears)Do I look okay?!
Dylan-Calm down, Chris.
I followed him. He was sitting on a bench. Crying.I slowly sat beside him.
Dylan-(holding his hand)Look at me.
He just sat there. I tilted his head in the direction of mine.
Chris-(hugging Dylan)It hurts so bad.
Dylan-(hugging back)I know. Baby, I know how you're hurting. The same thing happened to me. I lost my baby too. Just don't be alone right now.
Chris-Okay. I want you..
Chris-I want you with me while I am going through this. No one except maybe my mother can keep me sane. Please Dyl. I know I haven't been a great best friend, but this is my plead. Please, this is all I'm aski-
Dylan-Okay. I don't mind. Just let me check with Christian. Shouldn't you check with Sam?
Chris-I don't care about anything or anyone right now but you and Evelyn.
Dylan-Let's go check on her then..only if you're up to it.
Chris-You are the best true friend anyone could ask for.
Dylan-And you are not a fake, but a best true friend. I love you.
Chris-I love you too.
Dylan-(grabbing his hand and pulling him inside)Let's go. You can do this.
I slowly pulled Chris inside, wiped his tears, and told him that I would be right by his side..for good.
Right after I did that, he leaned in and kissed me. I tried so hard not to kiss back. It was way too passionate though. I pushed him off.

Dylan-Stop. What are you doing? You are vulnerable and upse-
Chris-I'm in love with you.
Sami-You're what with who? Did you just kiss Dylan?!
Dylan-Christian, I swear I pushed him off me and I didn't kiss back. You've gotta believe me, Baby.
Chris-She's telling the truth. It was all my fault.
Sami-I knew you were so upset Chris. You didn't even come and talk to me!
Chris-You didn't come after me either! Dylan has acted more like a girlfriend than you have!
Dylan-Don't put me into this. Christian, can I talk to you?
He didn't look all.
Dylan-I swear nothing happe-
Christian-Babe, I believe you. I trust you and know that you can handle yourself. Also, when Chris fesses up to something, he must really like to see you happy. I love and trust you.
Dylan-He asked me to stay at his place and help him out with this. This is hard on him, he needs support.
Christian-What did you say?
Dylan-I said let me check with you first.
Christian-Wow..well, as long as you carve in time for me and don't cheat on me. I don't mind. He's your best friend.
Dylan-(hugging him)Thank you, for understanding.
Christian-Anything for the best woman in the world.(kissing her)
THANK GOD FOR CHRISTIAN NOT BEING AN IDIOT! Sam and Chris soon stopped arguing but they were still mad.
Dylan-I can stay.
Dylan-Chris asked me to stay at his place. For moral support.
Sami-(looking at Chris)Really now? Well, looks like if you are I am too.
Chris-....uh ok then.(walking into Evelyn's room)
Dylan-Nothing happened. I told you that.
Sami-I trust you. Just not so sure about my boyfriend right this second...
Dylan-Since when did trust me that much?
Sami-I have always trusted you 'that much'. Since when did you question our friendship?
Dylan-Our 'friendship' was questioned when I heard from my sister, Lala, that you two decided to go with each other when I was gone. Or was it the fact that you knew that I was in love with Chris and then you encouraged me to go with him and then you date him! That is low, very low and especially for someone who's your so called best friend. So, your back-stab is what made me question our friendship.
Sami-Wow. I didn't know you would say something like that to me. Glad, you are here for me and Chris though.
Dylan-I grew a little back bone, and I am here for Chris not you. So, I am staying at Chris's place for his support and if you don't like it, take it up with him.
Sami-(in shock)Well, try anything funny, and you will not be his best friend.
Dylan-(scoffs and laughs)I am gonna go check on Evelyn.(walking away) Evelyn, are you all right?
Dylan-I'm gonna let that slide because you're upset, you got 2 strikes left before I beat yo-
Chris-Can you two not argue right now.
Dylan-Yeah, I'm sorry.
Chris-I gotta go Evelyn. Dyl, you ready?
Dylan-I'll meet you there.
Chris-Ok.(walks out)
Evelyn- So, Chris is screwing you too?
Dylan-No, I'm just being a good friend. Look, I tried to be supportive because your own family isn't even here. I gotta go, see ya!  

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