Chapter 11 - Big Surprises

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*Dylan's P.O.V*
Well, I am so glad that Evelyn is gone.

Dylan-Lloyd!(smiling and hugging him)How are you?
Lloyd-Good, seeing how it has been 2 years. You look great.
Dylan-So, do you.(smiling)You remembered our promise.
Lloyd-(laughing)Yes, I did. I will never break a promise with you..intensionally.
Dylan-Yep.(running her fingers through Lloyd's hair)It's all there.
Chris-Hey um, Dyl?
Chris-Well, we uh got to eat. See you later Lloyd.(pulling Dylan to the table and pushing Lloyd away)
Dylan-(sitting down)What was that for!
Sami,Lala,and Nicki-Jealousy.
Chris-I'm not jealous.
(eating their food)
Lala-(laughing)Whatever. You're a terrible liar.
Dylan-Why would he be jealous?
Nikki-Chris? You do realize how gorgeous Lloyd is right?
Lala-If Carmello were to see me hugging him, he would not be happy.
Sami-I agree with you.
Drake-Men don't get jealous.
Trey-Men don't always get jealous.
Lala-Yes, I agree with Trey. They don't ALWAYS get jealous.
Chris-I'm not jealous.
??-Dylan? Dylan Johnson?
Dylan-(excitedly)OH MY GOSH! Christian! How are you?(hugging him)
Christian-I'm great and you?
Dylan-I'm look great after what..10 years?
Chris-Yeah she's soo popular..(mumbling)when it comes to men.
Christian-I look great? Look at you, you are even more beautiful than you were in high school.
Chris-Yeah, I'm her friend Chris.(moving Dylan away from Christian)
Christian-Nice to meet you I'm-
Chris-Christian. I get it.
Dylan-Don't be mean.
Christian-Wow, it's been a while since I've seen mi amor.
Dylan-Yeah, Chris, didn't I tell you we were married about 8 years ago?
Dylan & Christian-(bursting out laughing)We're kidding.
Christian-We do this joke all the time. Well, I'll see you later. It was nice to see you.
Dylan-(smiling)Same here.(hugging him and kissing Christian's cheek)See you later.
Christian-(starting to walk away)Hey! Dyl, do you think we could talk sometime?
Chris-(MUMBLING)No,no,no. Dylan don't do it, I didn't even like him in high school plea-
Dylan-Yeah! Of course, let me give you my number wait here.
Lala-(whispering to Dylan)You have my permission to date him.(laughing)
Dylan-(whispering)Oh, I know.(writing down her number)Here.
Christian-I'll call you.
Christian-Bye.(smiling and walking away)
Chris-(mumbling)Thank god.
Dylan-What was that?
Nikki-Nothing but the jealousy speaking.Um, Dylan, where do you find a good looking,nice,respectful, kind of man like that?
Sami-I know right!
Dylan-I call dibs.
Sami-Really, fine.
Dylan-High school.
Trey-For your information, you have three good looking,nice,respectful, kind men right here.(pointing at him,Drake,and Chris)
Nikki & Sami-But, y'all don't look like him.
Dylan-(trying not to laugh)Shut up.
Lala-(cracking up)You two are so mean.
Dylan-What's wrong Chris?
Dylan-I'm serious.
Dylan-I know when something is wrong with you, what is it.
Chris-IT'S NOTHING OKAY!(getting up and walking away from the table)
Trey and Drake-We'll talk to him.

Chris' *P.O.V*
I shouldn't have yelled at her. I was just mad.
They were wrong, men can get jealous.
This may be creepy, but I think I You don't way.
Let me go talk to her, she's probably mad at me. I should just tell her how I fee-

Drake-Man, are you okay?
Trey-You just stormed out of there.
Chris-Yeah, I just needed some...air.
Drake-This may seem crazy but do you actually like Dylan?
Chris-No, no way! Why do you ask?
Trey-You got more and more mad when she talked to more and more guys.
Chris-Dude, swear you won't say nothin'.
Drake & Trey-Sure.. we swear.
Chris-I do.
Trey-You do....what?
Chris-(whispering)I like Dylan. Just don't tell her..or Lala, or Sami, or Nikki got it?
Drake-You wanna go back inside.
(him, Trey, and Drake walking inside)
I can't let her know.
Dylan-Are you alright?
Chris-Yeah, I'm cool. Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you Ma.
Dylan-You haven't called me Ma years. (smiling)You really are sorry.(hugging him)
Chris-(looking down at Dylan and smiling)Yeah, I am.
Chris-(looking at the ceiling)
Dylan-(letting go of Chris and turning around)Derwin? What..what's up?
Derwin-I miss you and I know we've had our ups and downs and we haven't actually been out in forever, but um(taking a box out of his pocket) Will you actually marry me?
Lala-HOLY JESUS! That's a nice ring.
Dylan- um, I don't know what to say.

Drake,Nikki, Sami,and Lala-Yes you do!Derwin-(on one knee)Will you?
Dylan-I..I'm sorry. I can't marry you.
Derwin-(closing the box)I thought we could start over.
Dylan-We can' just left me.. Without telling me or saying goodbye.
Derwin-Fine.(walking away)
Chris-Don't feel bad.(hugging her)
Dylan-Wow, it feels bad.
Chris-(sitting down with Dylan)It's okay.(whispering in her ear)He didn't deserve an amazing woman like you anyways.
Dylan-(giggling)Gee thanks.
Trey-What are you giggling about?
Dylan-He thinks I'm amazing.
Chris-(looking at Drake & Trey and mouthing "don't say it")
Lala-This is "true love" at work.
Dylan-Well, everyone finished eating.
Chris-You ready to go?
Dylan-Are you guys ready?
Lala,Nikki,Sami, Drake, and Trey-Yeah.
(all of us getting ready to walk out)
Sami-(looking around)Um, let's give Dylan some privacy.(pushing Drake,Nikki,Trey,Lala, and Chris away)
Christian-(tapping Dylan's shoulder)Hey, you leaving?
Dylan-Yeah, I am. Call me later?
Christian-Duh.(laughing)You know,I'll see you sometime.
Dylan-Yeah. Bye.(smiling and waving) (walking away)
Nikki-What was that about...
Dylan-None of your business, you are so nosey. You see my keys?
Sami-No,You should call him.
Lala-No, Dylan don't you dare call him, if he likes you, he'll call.
Chris-What are you three talking about?
Nikki-The budding relationship between her and Christian.
Lala-I know right.

Incoming Call:873-900-2784

??-Hey, it's Christian.
Dylan-OH! Hi, I knew you voice sounded familiar.
Christian-What are you doing?
Dylan-Looking for my car keys..I don't see them in my purse.
Christian-Blue key chain, picture of Chris on them?
Dylan-Yeah! How did you kno-
Christian-Turn around.(dangling the keys in his hand)

Dylan-THANK YOU! You are a total life saver. I owe you.
Christian-(putting the keys in her hand)You do, um, are you busy Saturday night?
Dylan-No...I'm not.
Christian-Will you go on a date with me this Saturday?
Dylan-Yeah, sure. (smiling) Call me.
Christian-I will.
Dylan-It's a date.
Christian-(smiling)Alright.(walking away)
Nikki,Lala,and SAmi-Um...what just happened.
Dylan-I'm going on a date,Saturday, with Christian!

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